Wednesday 14 December 2011

Hallelujah to honeymooners

Didn't eat dinner last night. Just a bit of cake at L's house. So I woke up with a raging hunger, which was not quite filled with my usual yoghurt, muesli and fruit. How healthy am I, though?!

I was elated to see the scratches on my arms had materialised well n truly, and I now look like a self-harmer. Faaaantastic. I hope it comes across to my guests as more of a "rough n ready, born to work" kinda look. Either way, I'm taking a photo of it.

Also figured out that when I was put on more "tip" rides during my boss' holiday... I didn't get my pay cheque as they'd made it out to the wrong name (looking at my Facebook for reference perhaps??) even though surely they know what they call me every day... So thankfully I can live on my tips, otherwise I'd be broke!

Another slow day at the farm. Polly didn't follow me as she was shut in with the other dogs. I wonder if she still loves me. Just one ride booked for when I arrived, and even that didn't show. Rescheduled for later, and when she did arrive she was boring as batshit and didn't tip me a cent. Awesome. Please come again.

Got pissed off at one of the Haitian guys that work here, when - in front of me - he hit our blind horse really hard on the nose. Several things wrong with that. Firstly, the horse is BLIND for fuck's sake, secondly the thing he'd done wrong was already done so he wouldn't have understood the violence, thirdly the guy was just pissed that the horse had kicked him before and broken some ribs accidentally (probably his fault, by the looks of it anyway), and lastly if you hit an animal on the nose it can lose its sense of smell. Man, i was angry. Told the boss straight away. Hope he got an ass-whooping.

I worked my rather plentiful derriere off today, doing chores and making sure things run smoothly tomorrow on my day off. Well, kind of day off... have been asked to come in for just one private ride, fine for me since I'll be paid for my trouble and private rides are usually more fun as we go faster. The weather has fined up now so hopefully that continues through to tomorrow and I can get some beach time. Feel like doing it solo though, if L asks I'll be busy.

Woke up today with three messages from my boy, each as paranoid as the next... seems he'd finally gotten back online and had spent a torturous however many minutes catching up with all my blogs... sigh. He is NOT happy about L. I don't blame him, to be fair, although I think I would understand and trust more if he was in the same shoes. Like he says, though, it's not ME he doesn't trust... So I had some consoling to do before I started work... put a bit of a downer on the morning, to be honest. I hate hearing him so upset.

So anyway, I had another ride around sunset time, although not a sunset champagne ride (that one was for J). Did all the hard yakka of feeding (I used to get peeved off that they'd always get the boys to do the feeding like I couldn't handle it but now I'm pretty sure that's a good thing), then my ride came. The boss and his wife laughed at my legs - I was sure I'd cleaned them but mud still persisted. Although not all the marks were mud, I've got quite a stunning collection of bruises and mozzie/bug bites right now. What a treat I must look.

It was just one hour, and another good-looking, American honeymooning couple. These guys were lovely, as most of them usually are, and seemed to really enjoy their ride. They were blessed with a wonderful sunset - blazing red sun, hardly any clouds, gigantic sun rays shooting out in an almost unrealistic pattern across the sky, soft pink hues as the sun's light faded - I know I was impressed!

Maybe it was this, maybe it was because I took some great pictures of them in the water, maybe I'm just an awesome guide... but for some reason they tipped me $45!! I think that's the most a couple has ever tipped me, and for an hour ride?? Hallelujah is all I can say - after that tightass women earlier, and the recent days of little tips, I needed that. Have calculated what I want for this month and now I got four more days to get it. Oh, and maybe a bit of tomorrow...

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