Sunday 25 December 2011

I blame the gluhwein

Either my body is becoming deconditioned from not drinking as much or I'm getting old, but these hangovers are nasty. This morning I was busting for the loo but could hardly move from the throbbing in my head. Quite the predicament. I looked over to my table and saw breadcrumbs scattered everywhere... oh, yes, the tuna sandwich.

Funnily enuf, I didn't get bitten alive by mosquitoes, maybe the alcohol in my blood poisoned them. But I was almost naked, spread-eagled on the bed with the mozzie net splayed open from my rough entrance the night before. Maybe I fell in. Poor net, just trying to do its job...

So of course it took me forever to do anything and everything today, and ultimately I didn't really get much done at all. At least I wasn't working. Had a call from A before I left the house, telling me he wasn't going to get to the internet (boo) so I trundled down to Seaside to catch up on the other internet-related things I had to do.

Of course, when I got online I got called by the Erm, who is about to crash-land on St Maarten in just a few days. So we were excitedly talking about plans for her visit, and I didn't really get much else done. Sent off one very important email, which I can't say too much about, but which some people may guess...

Actually pushed myself to get into town today, having completed all the paperwork for the insurance claim against my camera that has magically disappeared recently. And I have been so sober!! Dammit. But of course, after all my effort, the bloody post office was CLOSED until December 27. What kind of country closes the post office at Christmas? Does no one send Christmas cards here? Or receive them?

So I used my time instead to get some new shoes - Havaianas for $10, score!! - and laid on the beach for a short while. I say short because the bloody wind was about again, and blew sand into places sand should not be. So I gave up and went home. Did try swimming also but the water was FREEZING and kinda murky so I gave up on that too.

The bus ride home was packed, at one point I was close to throwing up because my head was still not right, but I calmed myself down. Would've been a mission to get out quickly. They use these minibuses that have fold-down seats when all the regular seats are taken, so when someone in the back needs to get off, everyone in the fold-down seats has to get up and off the bus to let them through. Efficient system.

There is a couple of tents set up in the front yard of a house near me, a makeshift party of some sort. They started blaring music from the morning, which I liked since it was cool reggae. Made me wanna dance, actually. I wish they had more bars like that, rather than all the ones I've been to here that just play the dance/pop hits.

Went back to Seaside to check my email again, really just checking for one important reply, but it was still too early for Australia. Got invited to Buccaneers for drinks... all virgin for me tonight, thanks!

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