Thursday 15 December 2011

Buttlerflies, beaches and burgers (French style)

An unexpected day off. I'm not really sure how it works but I'm still getting my normal days off this Sunday and Monday.... maybe they'll work it into my next month's schedule. Actually, that should be interesting, I've taken a few days off for St Thomas with the Erm and want to ask for more when I know the schedule. So much I want to do while she's here!

Still yet to decide on my return date, and certainly won't be committing to anything right here in my blog, but I have a fair idea of when it will be. And I will give you one clue - it's a damn sight nearer to what I originally planned! I know daddy is for one pleased.

So I was meant to meet I to ride his horses by the beach in French Quarter, which I'd only ever been past in a car, but when I got to work early to check my email, he came there with some chickens for the boss so I caught a lift over there with him and O, R's boyfriend and father of their two children. Cute little rasta things that they are.

I lives in what seemed like the ghetto of the French side, all unfinished concrete houses with dirt yards and discarded piles of this n that on the roadside. Not that it makes much difference at all to me where I lives, but it was interesting to see some more of real life on the French side.

He collected his two horses, one very pregnant mare that looks so big I almost think she's carrying twins (which is rare in horses) and the stallion that decked her, just 3 years old. I ended up riding the stallion with a nice, new Western saddle and some borrowed gear from Seaside, and my workmate jumped on Little Miss Preggers bareback with just a halter on. We were only going to walk, so it wasn't so important to have all the gear on her.

The ride to the beach took us through the streets of French Quarter, where my friend knew everyone we passed, and I waited for my horse to start doing all the rearing and playing up I was warned about. None of it came, however, so he must've taken notes when being told how to treat a lady. A true Caribbean horse.

Before we reached the beach, I took me to the butterfly house where he knew the people who worked there too. Score! Free entry, even allowed to take the dog in with us. The house wasn't as big as the one in Vienna but they had more variety, and prettier colours. I am a sucker for butterflies. Got some nice pics too.

Also stopped by the "competition", the horseriding place on the French Side, Bayside Riding. It isn't as big as where I work and doesn't have the land to let its horses roam, so when we went they were all still in their boxes. They are bigger horses than ours, mostly, but a bit skinnier. Which is ironic, since I was told a while ago customers would come to this stable after seeing the horses were too skinny at my work!

At the beach, we got some burgers and a drink, then moved further down the beach so we could take the horses in the water and also get some cleaner water - it was quite murky for Caribbean standards (probably nice for most other places in the world!) near the bar. The beach itself wasn't that busy, quite a few pretty ladies and a couple of loud, American voices, and this weird couple with a kids playpen full of Chihuahuas that they held in their arms into the water at intervals.

On the further down section of the beach, my workmate did some training with the stallion in the water while the pregnant one munched away at grass. I took his waterproof camera in and got some cool shots of all the action. Also did a 90-second video I planned to send in to audition for a music TV host (only to find out later it was too big to send and therefore impossible to make today's deadline - not savvy enuf with technology to change the file size).

Hometime came as we realised time was inching forward and there was meant to be a riding lesson for the boys tonight (they separate the boys and girls I think because R reckons the guys get distracted if they're riding with girls). Thankfully got another lift from O as he was due to pick up his girlfriend from the office, but when we got there we heard the lesson was cancelled. I hope mine goes ahead tomorrow, I need to get back on Seductor. He'll be even more fresh than usual!

Must sort out this mosquito situation before E comes. Need to invest in some spray to douse the room every night, as unhealthy as that may be, because I can't seem to get rid of the fuckers. And heaven knows how they get into the net. Cos I can't see them when I search. Grrr. Outsmart me, will ya...

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