Tuesday 20 December 2011

Video in its finest form

It's funny how things here can seem so busy and planned, and then fall apart at the last minute. This happened to me on Saturday night with the dance competition and then again today, with the beach. Was meant to go with L but he was broke and I'm still not supporting his lack of employment, N was still working and L ended up having a doctor's appointment so it was off to the beach solo again.

That was fine, I am always entertained by the people-watching there, but today it seemed to be Topless Day Out. I don't know why so many people had their boobs out but they did, and old ladies too, so after a quick scout around for any prying black man eyes, I joined them. I do like doing the topless sunbake, but not when I feel people are just at the beach to check out girls.

Seriously, there were boobs everywhere. They were walking around, sitting on their towels, wading into the water... no shame. And they were not just French, American too. Oh well. Changing tide I guess! Speaking of, the water is getting rougher, the winds stronger... I thought hurricane season just ended?? Got some half decent waves now on the beaches, nice change from the gentle lapping pools these beaches usually are.

I packed some beers to drink on the beach - still on a budget, as always - and enjoyed the afternoon sun. Never feels quite as strong as Australia, and I doubt I got much colour in the couple of hours I was there but it is always nice to go to Mullet Bay. But it is getting busy. And sometimes Americans speak SO LOUD. It's hard to tune them out.

Got to the beach late because I spent a couple of hours wearing my laptop battery down talking to A on Skype. He happened to come online when I was there, so we had a nice chat before his Skype started playing up. Then he got a laptop and we VIDEO chatted.... The first time since I got to St Maarten. Man, it was good to see his face. I could hardly control my emotions, he looked so beautiful. My stomach was doing backflips.

That's a good sign, right? So if I go home earlier to him, I guess that's to be expected, right? I actually can't wait to start my new life with him, making our decisions together, working for da man and earning da cash, maybe even affording a studio apartment so we can just be... us. I would never even have to wear clothes at home. Imagine that.

Boss told me when he came home I was in for a 7am start instead of my normal 8am. Sounds like a busy day ahead. I wonder if I'll get a lunch break. It's funny how that works - usually, when I started earlier, there's less chance I'll get a lunch break even though technically I need it more! Let's just hope the tourists are feeling "tip-happy" tomorrow...

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