Tuesday 20 December 2011

Living Statues in St Maarten

Now that I've made some more certain plans in my head about my future, I spent more time than usual daydreaming about my boy. I'd find myself drifting off while people were talking, looking into the gorgeous pinky purple sunset sky or staring absentmindedly at a street dog. Then of course in the cafe we were eating, a Police song comes on the radio - and I'm back to A.

Today was my much-anticipated Sunday off. Having had a few drinks last night, I was looked forward to the sleep-in which of course never came, as the delicious combination of morning heat, 100+ roosters crowing, kids stamping about above me, dogs barking, trucks leaving and general morning noise made sure I was awake about the time I'd wake anyway for work. Except with a sore head. Brilliant.

I had an unusual craving for mac n cheese for breakfast, so I made it. Hell, it was my day off! Added tuna in there for good effect. Felt sick after I finished the massive bowl. No surprises there. Would've looked well funny to anyone walking past. Mac n cheese? For breakfast? Well, I never.

N from work had offered to take me into town for the first Living Statues Festival in Philipsburg, where she was taking photographs of the performers and the festival. The town was alive and buzzing with throngs of tourists from 3 cruise ships as well as curious locals checking out the festival. It was busy, but not crazy, annoying busy. Buzzy busy. I loved the atmosphere.

"Living Statues" are the street performers that stand still like they're a statue. This festival was a chance for local performers to give it a go and win some prizes. It's a concept brought over from Barcelona, Spain, but something I'd never seen anywhere else. Great idea, though, I really enjoyed seeing them and they were great entertainment for youngsters and even adults. There were famous people, settlers, convicts, witches, policemen... lots to see!

At the end, a marching band of kids on drums roared into the town square to give quite an impressive performance before the statues paraded in. The overall winner was an older lady who dressed as a grandma with checked paint all over her face and exposed skin who sat and read a book for most of the day. I think there is some story behind her character that I don't know, but she was quite good.

Even got tempted into one of the many jewellery stores, all of which boasted at least 70% off and all kinds of exotic gems. Now you know what I'm like with shiny things... I almost bought a simple necklace but renegged last minute... maybe I'll come back another time, maybe not. Mum and dad are giving me some cash for Christmas but I would rather use that on some fun activities on the island. Almost texted A to ask if I should just buy an engagement here, since there's so much choice... and they're quite reasonable... thought it best I didn't.

Walked down the boardwalk solo to meet the others after the jewellery store and heard a chorus of, "rasta, rasta, rasta, hey rasta"... All the sharks must hang out down there. Was asked again and again if I was "from the ship" as I looked super touristy in my summer getup, and they were delighted for a moment that I lived here, before I told them no, I wasn't single. Was I married? Was it really their business? Yes, I pretty much am.

N had her 10-year-old daughter, E, and the nanny of my boss' kids, L, so we ambled along in a group. E has boundless energy and likes to annoy her mum, which I find irritating because her mum works so hard and always seems tired, so I always find myself biting my tongue when I see the girl. But I do like N, we get along well as we're kinda the outsiders from all the Dutch women that frequent Seaside. And L is nice too, I got her number so we could hang out when I'm off. She said she saw me at the club last night... could've said hi but that's the kind of weird social etiquette around here...

Got a call from L today asking if I was still keen to go to his little son's birthday party. I was hoping he'd not call me as I'd avoided seeing him all week after A's stress about the whole situation, but I did feel bad for bailing on something I said I would do. I blamed it on not hearing from him sooner and ended up organising to check out a beach tomorrow on my other day off. Will probably go with N as well as she's free from lunch tomorrow. She actually said she'd do a photo shoot of me riding as a Christmas present, so that would be cool. I wanna ride a pretty horse bareback in my nice, flowing skirt. Pruuuuuuuudddyy....

All in all, a great day. Gorgeous weather, lots of fun in town... but my feet and back ache! Need to spend tomorrow on my back. Now that came out wrong. I meant sunbaking on my back. And front. All over. Need to top the tan up. Also heard about another casual Christmas gathering at La Bamba that I could go to after work. I'm glad there's an option like that, I like being surrounded by people on that day. Geez, this time last year I was next to my friend T chowing down on knodel in snowy Munich. How times change.

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