Friday 30 December 2011

Hurricane Erm hits St Maarten

I tossed n turned into the morning, such was my excitement about the oncoming change in weather. Erm, one of my best friends from high school, was due to arrive at lunchtime for 12 days of fun and frivolity, including New Years Eve and a trip to St Thomas. I was bursting at the seams.

I went to Seaside in the morning to check the plane's status (on time) and try to organise a hire car. I had asked days in advance but things working on Caribbean time, I found I was still searching on the day and to no avail... busy season was well n truly in swing n no cars were available til January. Of the cheap friend of a friend variety anyway.

Thankfully, at Seaside I saw N and she offered her car to pick up Erm from the airport. So I went, with her 10-year-old daughter in tow, to do my errands (including sending off my travel insurance for my camera and cashing my pay cheque - woot!!) then collect the tired little friend from her 38-hour journey. Took a while for her to get out of the airport, kept thinking they'd lost her luggage, but eventually she was there. I held up a sign saying "Erm" and all these people kept screwing their eyes up to read it in case it was their resort. Sorry, all rooms are full at this inn.

First stop - home. Shower. Change. Beach. We exchanged Christmas presents - me getting a cute horsey ring, friendship band and pretty hippy skirt, her getting a bottle of local guava berry alcohol. Got ourselves ready and took the car back to Seaside, then off to Mullet Bay, the beach with the best name in the entire world. More likely to see a pair of tits than a bad haircut there, though.

Stopped by Top Carrot for some veggie food, and said hi to L who was around the corner, then caught the bus. We were the only people on the bus there, and our driver stopped to get a drink. I asked if we could drink beer on the bus then, and he misunderstood and said he'd buy us a beer. So we got free beer, saving ours for the beach!

One thing I really noticed when E arrived was how worried she was about things I now just take it the norm. Like drinking a beer walking the streets or smoking in a restaurant... she kept asking if it was OK, where she should stand, if we'll get in trouble... reminded me how over-regulated Australia is.

Didn't have a lot of time at Mullet as the afternoon was wearing thin, and it also poured with rain for 10 minutes, enuf to clear the beach. After it stopped, we walked to Maho to see the planes come in. Got some cool photos, had some beers, met some people dog-sitting a gorgeous young Doberman, got swept along the beach by the plane engine walking to Sunset Bar, where we procured a drink from some guys and I got E to try guava berry on ice. It's an interesting taste...

Heard La Bamba was the place to be that night, as it was Tuesday Salsa, but we were dressed for the beach so we went home to change. L met us for La Bamba and then we met Le on the road, who came along too for a couple of drinks before work. Stopped at the schwarma place to give E a try.

E looked stunning in a new summer dress so of course it didn't take long to get noticed at La Bamba. I hung back and spoke with the guys while she made friends. It was a fun night but I was tired and had to work the next day so I left her to her own devices, with her new friends, and walked home with L who would have rathered stay and chase E but realised he was not going to be her first choice that night. Kinda erked me the way he was, and reminded me that he is indeed just another guy. And nowhere NEAR my guy. He da BOMB.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Christmas with the staff

First thing on Boxing Day, I'm putting my work clothes on and I get summoned into the bathroom by the other lady that lives in my apartment. Pointing at the sand left by someone clearly OFF on Christmas Day and enjoying themselves on the beach, she looks at me accusingly... no, I didn't leave the fucking sand in the fucking shower, in fact I was the ONLY one working on the friggin holiday! So you can piss off with your lectures about cleanliness. Pissed me right off.

So it was off to work, for the second public holiday, and I was feeling the fatigue. All the going out after work was getting to me, and again it wasn't super so I kept thinking about how tired I was. And I knew with the Erm coming in tomorrow, I wouldn't be getting any more sleep.

Had a couple of rides, nothing spectacular, in fact writing this blog a couple of days later I remember so little of that day it really shows how boring it was. I remember having a whole family of English people who really enjoyed their ride and complimented me on my guiding, but gave me no tips. Bought me a drink at the bar, at least!

After work, I was able to go home to change for this staff Christmas function they planned at Seaside. Everyone came and looked nice, such a change to normal! Some people I had to look twice at, they looked so different.

We set up the tables all together, there were some kids there too, and everyone was chatting and laughing. It was really nice, people from all around the world exchanging stories about Christmas in their countries. For me it was nothing different to have a hot day, but for most it was unusual.

R and A gave us all a bottle of the milky rum I'd drunk with J the day before, Ponche Kuba, a local favourite. And those that were full-time staffer got an envelope with some cash in it. I only got a small amount as I'm new, and I think they thought I wasn't sticking around much longer after my comments to them about missing my boyfriend too much. Then we ate a huge selection of Christmas foods - of course I was first to the table and a frequent visiter thereafter. Ate way too much.

We had some dancing and everyone was enjoying themselves, but we called it a night around 9pm as most had to work the next day! I had a day off but had to prepare everything for E's arrival, so I knew I'd be up early. But the evening was really lovely and it was the first they'd had - in previous years they hadn't had the funds to do it but obviously business is picking up, which is good to see. N took some nice pictures but unfortunately the wind blew away her memory card the next day, so we lost them all! :(

A Caribbean Christmas

My 4th Christmas Day away from the family. In a row. 5th, actually, altogether. And every year it's the same. I get sad, miss my family a whole lot and remember what it was like to be together enjoying a day of sunshine, beer, presents and way too much food. Well, I could find most of those things here too, but without my family and close friends it's just not the same.

I'd called mum and dad the night before so all that was left was A, who I'd already called and woken up early morning (my night) because I was excited about speaking with him. He was much more awake when I caught him in his nighttime, having stolen away from saddling horses to go on Skype for a while. The day wasn't too busy so it was OK. Thankfully, my 9am ride didn't show either, so I was able to talk for longer.

I was pretty tired from lack of sleep the night before. Not because I was partying, everyone around me was! I had to work, after all. We knew the day would be slow, but since we never close someone had to be there. And the horses still had to be fed and watered, and all that. Animals don't stop eating just for Christmas!

J had bought a bottle of Ponche Kuba, a milky rum about the same % as wine that is quite easy to drink. We got started on that early, mixed with ice, and it had a nice mellowing effect on my already tired mind. The day was sunny, the wind had died down a bit but was enuf not to make me sweat constantly, so I was comfortable at least with the weather.

I ended up with two rides that tipped decently, I got double pay cos it was a public holiday so that made up for any shortfall. Actually, this week overtime and holiday pay has totally made up for the lack of tips. I seem to have been off on the busy days and the days I'm on, people haven't really been showing the love that much. Shame, since I need as much as possible for the crazy adventures of Erm and I.

In the end, I couldn't get the bar to cook the chicken nuggets I bought for the pot luck thing at La Bamba, so I just took the frozen packets with me and luckily found a grill to put them on. There was all sorts of food there, people had brought in salads, meat, biscuits, dessert... and we just stood around drinking and talking.

People started dancing, they were quite merry mostly having been drinking all day (lucky for some) and I had a short boogie before retiring tiredly to the bonfire by the beach. Found a banana lounge there to relax on my lonesome, but before I knew it some young people from the super yachts came to talk.

Turned out one of the couples were Australian, and they were pretty cool. Had a nice chat with them, while this Filipino guy slowly got his hopes crushed as I rabbited on about my boyfriend this, my boyfriend that... Then the guys from work came over and collected me, and I was home. Tired and home. More work tomorrow.

Monday 26 December 2011

Christmas weariness

To be honest, I can't fully remember my Christmas Eve day because a lot has happened with Christmas recently and I haven't updated my blog. So I'll skim a little with the notes I made myself. Apologies.

Started my rides with a cruise ship hour, never that exciting or tip-worthy but I got a few dollars. Better than nothing. It's funny, when you expect to get something, you get nothing, and vice versa. Then a family came along, and I took them for another hour. They were American but at the end of the ride they gave me nothing. Said they really enjoyed themselves but didn't tip me, which was weird. Usually when there's kids involved you get something for looking after them.

At the bar, one of the office ladies, H, gave me another $1 which someone had left behind as a tip (wow!! haha) in front of the mum of my ride and we were laughing about the single dollar tip, when the woman got embarrassed and quickly pulled out a $20 note from her bag and said, "Here's something a bit more substantial." Ha! Thanks H, wouldn't have gotten anything without her!

It was pretty slow, so that was about all the rides I did. When N left, I ended up joining her for a shop at the gourmet supermarket then got invited to the drinks her friend was having for Christmas Eve. I accepted but said I needed to go online to speak with mum and dad for Christmas first.

Got online at N's place and got through to mum on Skype then when we were finished, dad called on my mobile and I had a nice chat with him too. Was good to hear their voices, no matter how Aussie they sounded. Ha!

The drinks were at E's place, the nicest house I've been in so far and the kind of place you'd want to live in if you lived in the Caribbean. Overlooking Kim Sha beach with La Bamba (you could certainly hear it!), the place had a nice, big balcony and open, airy windows. Good view of the planes taking off too.

At one point, N was so tired she had to lie down. Poor woman, she works herself so hard and has a 10-year-old bundle of energy (and a dog just the same) to deal with. She's had cancer before so she hasn't got the energy like she would have normally, and she just goes and goes and goes. I have another friend who pushes themselves like this - it's so hard to help them but you always want to. So she laid down and eventually I offered to drive her car home for her. E followed and then took me home, kindly.

I'd had a few drinks by this stage but was just mellow, so I thought I'd just drift into a peaceful sleep. Not so. I was awoken a couple of hours later because of all the parties in the neigbourhood... There was drinking, loud voices, music, laughing... I don't blame them, I would have been right in the thick of it had I not been working Christmas Day. So I just laid there, tossing n turning in the heat of the night (I swear my room traps it in), and by the morning I was like the walking dead. Merry Christmas to me.

Sunday 25 December 2011

I blame the gluhwein

Either my body is becoming deconditioned from not drinking as much or I'm getting old, but these hangovers are nasty. This morning I was busting for the loo but could hardly move from the throbbing in my head. Quite the predicament. I looked over to my table and saw breadcrumbs scattered everywhere... oh, yes, the tuna sandwich.

Funnily enuf, I didn't get bitten alive by mosquitoes, maybe the alcohol in my blood poisoned them. But I was almost naked, spread-eagled on the bed with the mozzie net splayed open from my rough entrance the night before. Maybe I fell in. Poor net, just trying to do its job...

So of course it took me forever to do anything and everything today, and ultimately I didn't really get much done at all. At least I wasn't working. Had a call from A before I left the house, telling me he wasn't going to get to the internet (boo) so I trundled down to Seaside to catch up on the other internet-related things I had to do.

Of course, when I got online I got called by the Erm, who is about to crash-land on St Maarten in just a few days. So we were excitedly talking about plans for her visit, and I didn't really get much else done. Sent off one very important email, which I can't say too much about, but which some people may guess...

Actually pushed myself to get into town today, having completed all the paperwork for the insurance claim against my camera that has magically disappeared recently. And I have been so sober!! Dammit. But of course, after all my effort, the bloody post office was CLOSED until December 27. What kind of country closes the post office at Christmas? Does no one send Christmas cards here? Or receive them?

So I used my time instead to get some new shoes - Havaianas for $10, score!! - and laid on the beach for a short while. I say short because the bloody wind was about again, and blew sand into places sand should not be. So I gave up and went home. Did try swimming also but the water was FREEZING and kinda murky so I gave up on that too.

The bus ride home was packed, at one point I was close to throwing up because my head was still not right, but I calmed myself down. Would've been a mission to get out quickly. They use these minibuses that have fold-down seats when all the regular seats are taken, so when someone in the back needs to get off, everyone in the fold-down seats has to get up and off the bus to let them through. Efficient system.

There is a couple of tents set up in the front yard of a house near me, a makeshift party of some sort. They started blaring music from the morning, which I liked since it was cool reggae. Made me wanna dance, actually. I wish they had more bars like that, rather than all the ones I've been to here that just play the dance/pop hits.

Went back to Seaside to check my email again, really just checking for one important reply, but it was still too early for Australia. Got invited to Buccaneers for drinks... all virgin for me tonight, thanks!

Friday 23 December 2011

From hectic to boring - in one rainstorm

Woke up to a familiar pitter-patter outside my window and my first thought - shit, all our rides are going to be cancelled. It was meant to be a really busy day, with lots of cruise ship rides and even 30 horses needed on one hour. I knew all 5 guides were asked to come in, so I just held my breath and hoped the rain would stop in time.

Walked to walk in minimal rain, my hopes still lingering, and got there to find the horses already getting caught, tied up, brushed, saddled... there were so many used we had to take a dozen down to the secondary tie-up rack usually reserved for the lesson horses. The rain started more persistently, broken up by the odd burst of sunshine or brilliant rainbow... and we held onto hope.

Then, just as we'd pretty much finished getting the horses ready, the call came in. All cruise ship rides were cancelled. Bummer. So we still had a few privately booked tours to count on for the day, but it was in no way going to be as busy as first thought. On top of this, the day was rainy and increasingly windier as the hours passed.

The first bit of the day I had no rides, just had some menial tasks (most of the guys were given the harder yakka, me, I had to sweep the tack room....) and it was way too little to occupy myself. People kept asking if I was tired and after a while I realised I was, and it was quite preferable to rest my butt while the water filled the drums itself.

At one point they asked me to help N with the camp lessons, which she really didn't need, but they were kinda looking for things for me to do... In the end, I had a quick lunch break and took a 2-hour ride out in unison with J. He volunteered me for the lead horse while he took the back end... Was he sure he didn't want to take the front, really? Sure? Sigh. I was tired. But I perked up for the 10-strong American group.

Managed to get through the 2 hours with no dramas, J running about at the end like he does, on his favourite horse Fresita that's back from mating with the stallions on the French side. He has to be careful, that horse is pregnant now and he can't be bolting her around like normal... I worry the boss is gonna take him off riding her completely, and he really loves that horse!

They tipped a decent amount, considering it was mostly one group with an Asian/American honeymooning couple at the end, thankfully since the next (and my last) ride was a group of largely non-English speaking Germans who didn't bring any extra money with them. Couldn't even contemplate buying the CD of photographs from the ride.

Wasn't really surprised I got no tips, Germans don't seem to tip and I also had to translate everything through the tour guide. I've done this trip once before, it seems the cruise ships offer one or two week trips from Germany onto their vessels but don't seem to vocalise the need to contribute to local custom through tipping! I bet they'd be pissed if they were on my wage and no one person in a 12-strong group brought an extra few dollars! My last German ride pooled their miniscule tips and ended up giving me $13, which was unexpected but nice. This time... nada.

Was an interesting end, though, when only a few of them wanted to go into the water and while we were readying them, several more jumped in and we had 7 going in. Afterwards, one of the horses' girths was hanging entirely loosely as it had slipped in the water and another young girl's stirrup had fallen out and by the time I'd fixed the girth she was wiping tears away. How to console someone in German? Fuck knows!

Had a nice apologetic message from my boy on FB, we're done n dusted with that little spat from yesterday. It's just hard with the distance sometimes, trying to guess the other half's emotions. But I know, with every passing day, that he's the one I want to spend my life with and it is only a matter of time before we start our new life together. Don't get me wrong, I fully want to utilise my time left on the island so I will be doing all the fun, touristy things but once the clock chimes, I am on that plane.

The weather is getting stupidly cold for the Caribbean, even the locals are saying it's unseasonable. Today was the worst day for horseriding I've had so far, even though the rain wasn't torrential, it was SO windy and the spitting rain just made it more undesirable to get into the water. I had to do the water part for the big American group, I made J do it for the next ride. Fuck that, I'm changing back into my jodhpurs! Hello sunshine, where did you go??

And the shower at my apartment... it taunts me with its cold.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

The bad side of St Maarten

I had an unfortunate incident today, the first really bad side of Caribbean I've seen since coming here. I was coming back down from the horses and I heard an awful screaming from a dog, yelping and obviously in a lot of pain. I looked down to the beach and saw its owner (I assume) pulling at its leg, almost breaking it. I have no idea why the dog would have deserved that, but in my opinion there's nothing he could have done to warrant it for so long.

Given there were a lot of tourists around gasping at the scene, and the fact I'm an animal lover, I shouted at him would he mind not killing his dog on our beach. I was so angry I was physically shaking and stormed over past the bar, yelling out, "What the hell do you think you're doing??!!" only to get the bar lady telling me to be quiet, it was his dog, he could do what he wanted, it wasn't our place to yell and get angry. What, so I have to stand there while the guy practically breaks the dog's leg?? Don't think so.

So, so angry I was. Then the bar lady tells J and he starts having a go at me, telling me I'm not in Australia anymore and these kind of guys would likely come and punch me to the ground for my trouble. Awesome. Now I've got a black dot next to my name and have to be EXTRA careful on the streets. But seriously, if that's the way people in the Caribbean act with shit like this, what a fucked place to live.

Later on I told A, the boss' wife, and she being a strong-willed woman too agreed with my sentiments. Good! At least I had her on my side! I thought I was going crazy there for a second, getting vex over something like this. Brrrrr... shake it off!!

In my fury, I texted my boy to come online as I had a 2-hour lunch break and didn't mind having an ear to vent to. I did mention, in the somewhat badly worded text, that "something bad happened" so of course that got his drunk head in a tizz n he was messaging and messaging to no reply. This was because my phone has been in and out of reception recently at work so nothing came through.

Halfway through the lesson I was pulled in last minute to do with the camp kids (that was fun...), he calls me all worried and pissed off he didn't get any replies. I tried to calm him quickly as it was bad timing and he ended up just hanging up quite abruptly. Never got to text him back when I was free later, either, cos my phone wasn't working still.

So this, on top of my already annoyed mood (getting pulled off trails to cover kids riding lessons didn't do much for my tip jar), was not really something I needed. I know he was just concerned, and I'm very touched by that, considering it was pretty much my fault I got him in a tizz, but to get all angry... I'M the one who was meant to be angry in the first place! This just throws it all out of whack!

My day started out OK. Had a family of Aussies on my first ride, funnily enuf they were the least polite when it came to the end. No tip - though that was expected - but not even a thank you, they just walked off halfway through one of my sentences explaining where the bathrooms were. Geez, I hope they don't act like that everywhere! Give Aussies a bad name.

Had another ride, cruise ship as well, with a birthday boy turning 10 who was super impressed with everything on the ride. The whole time I could hear him going on about how this was the best birthday present ever, how amazing riding on his own was, how he couldn't wait for the water... Nice to hear, and surely a great memory for him and his family.

Didn't hear anything back from my travel agent, which is unusual since he is usually on the ball with these things, so no movement on booking my flight home. Days like today kinda make me wanna push it forward, but to be honest the dates I'm thinking of are not THAT far away anyway. I want to make the most of the island while I'm here. There's still that 'To Do' list to get through, after all...

The days are certainly getting colder - I sat in my wet boardshorts on lunch as I often do except today they were almost freezing on my skin. Later in the evening I put on my around-the-house summer dress and went to the megastore cash n carry place with A, freezing inside the air con place and outside with the rain and wind whipping up. She took an age to come out and when she did, the trolley was overflowing... "just need to get some dog food" I remember her saying as we walked from the car.

My boy called me while I was waiting, killed some time at least. He'd just woken up in a friend's hotel room after I night on it, had some stories to tell he couldn't tell me then, and we talked through what happened today. I am blessed to have him so concerned and I do feel bad for making him so worried. I need to sort my words out - and I'm meant to be the writer of the two of us! Next he'll be overboiling the eggs and burning the bacon!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Video in its finest form

It's funny how things here can seem so busy and planned, and then fall apart at the last minute. This happened to me on Saturday night with the dance competition and then again today, with the beach. Was meant to go with L but he was broke and I'm still not supporting his lack of employment, N was still working and L ended up having a doctor's appointment so it was off to the beach solo again.

That was fine, I am always entertained by the people-watching there, but today it seemed to be Topless Day Out. I don't know why so many people had their boobs out but they did, and old ladies too, so after a quick scout around for any prying black man eyes, I joined them. I do like doing the topless sunbake, but not when I feel people are just at the beach to check out girls.

Seriously, there were boobs everywhere. They were walking around, sitting on their towels, wading into the water... no shame. And they were not just French, American too. Oh well. Changing tide I guess! Speaking of, the water is getting rougher, the winds stronger... I thought hurricane season just ended?? Got some half decent waves now on the beaches, nice change from the gentle lapping pools these beaches usually are.

I packed some beers to drink on the beach - still on a budget, as always - and enjoyed the afternoon sun. Never feels quite as strong as Australia, and I doubt I got much colour in the couple of hours I was there but it is always nice to go to Mullet Bay. But it is getting busy. And sometimes Americans speak SO LOUD. It's hard to tune them out.

Got to the beach late because I spent a couple of hours wearing my laptop battery down talking to A on Skype. He happened to come online when I was there, so we had a nice chat before his Skype started playing up. Then he got a laptop and we VIDEO chatted.... The first time since I got to St Maarten. Man, it was good to see his face. I could hardly control my emotions, he looked so beautiful. My stomach was doing backflips.

That's a good sign, right? So if I go home earlier to him, I guess that's to be expected, right? I actually can't wait to start my new life with him, making our decisions together, working for da man and earning da cash, maybe even affording a studio apartment so we can just be... us. I would never even have to wear clothes at home. Imagine that.

Boss told me when he came home I was in for a 7am start instead of my normal 8am. Sounds like a busy day ahead. I wonder if I'll get a lunch break. It's funny how that works - usually, when I started earlier, there's less chance I'll get a lunch break even though technically I need it more! Let's just hope the tourists are feeling "tip-happy" tomorrow...

Living Statues in St Maarten

Now that I've made some more certain plans in my head about my future, I spent more time than usual daydreaming about my boy. I'd find myself drifting off while people were talking, looking into the gorgeous pinky purple sunset sky or staring absentmindedly at a street dog. Then of course in the cafe we were eating, a Police song comes on the radio - and I'm back to A.

Today was my much-anticipated Sunday off. Having had a few drinks last night, I was looked forward to the sleep-in which of course never came, as the delicious combination of morning heat, 100+ roosters crowing, kids stamping about above me, dogs barking, trucks leaving and general morning noise made sure I was awake about the time I'd wake anyway for work. Except with a sore head. Brilliant.

I had an unusual craving for mac n cheese for breakfast, so I made it. Hell, it was my day off! Added tuna in there for good effect. Felt sick after I finished the massive bowl. No surprises there. Would've looked well funny to anyone walking past. Mac n cheese? For breakfast? Well, I never.

N from work had offered to take me into town for the first Living Statues Festival in Philipsburg, where she was taking photographs of the performers and the festival. The town was alive and buzzing with throngs of tourists from 3 cruise ships as well as curious locals checking out the festival. It was busy, but not crazy, annoying busy. Buzzy busy. I loved the atmosphere.

"Living Statues" are the street performers that stand still like they're a statue. This festival was a chance for local performers to give it a go and win some prizes. It's a concept brought over from Barcelona, Spain, but something I'd never seen anywhere else. Great idea, though, I really enjoyed seeing them and they were great entertainment for youngsters and even adults. There were famous people, settlers, convicts, witches, policemen... lots to see!

At the end, a marching band of kids on drums roared into the town square to give quite an impressive performance before the statues paraded in. The overall winner was an older lady who dressed as a grandma with checked paint all over her face and exposed skin who sat and read a book for most of the day. I think there is some story behind her character that I don't know, but she was quite good.

Even got tempted into one of the many jewellery stores, all of which boasted at least 70% off and all kinds of exotic gems. Now you know what I'm like with shiny things... I almost bought a simple necklace but renegged last minute... maybe I'll come back another time, maybe not. Mum and dad are giving me some cash for Christmas but I would rather use that on some fun activities on the island. Almost texted A to ask if I should just buy an engagement here, since there's so much choice... and they're quite reasonable... thought it best I didn't.

Walked down the boardwalk solo to meet the others after the jewellery store and heard a chorus of, "rasta, rasta, rasta, hey rasta"... All the sharks must hang out down there. Was asked again and again if I was "from the ship" as I looked super touristy in my summer getup, and they were delighted for a moment that I lived here, before I told them no, I wasn't single. Was I married? Was it really their business? Yes, I pretty much am.

N had her 10-year-old daughter, E, and the nanny of my boss' kids, L, so we ambled along in a group. E has boundless energy and likes to annoy her mum, which I find irritating because her mum works so hard and always seems tired, so I always find myself biting my tongue when I see the girl. But I do like N, we get along well as we're kinda the outsiders from all the Dutch women that frequent Seaside. And L is nice too, I got her number so we could hang out when I'm off. She said she saw me at the club last night... could've said hi but that's the kind of weird social etiquette around here...

Got a call from L today asking if I was still keen to go to his little son's birthday party. I was hoping he'd not call me as I'd avoided seeing him all week after A's stress about the whole situation, but I did feel bad for bailing on something I said I would do. I blamed it on not hearing from him sooner and ended up organising to check out a beach tomorrow on my other day off. Will probably go with N as well as she's free from lunch tomorrow. She actually said she'd do a photo shoot of me riding as a Christmas present, so that would be cool. I wanna ride a pretty horse bareback in my nice, flowing skirt. Pruuuuuuuudddyy....

All in all, a great day. Gorgeous weather, lots of fun in town... but my feet and back ache! Need to spend tomorrow on my back. Now that came out wrong. I meant sunbaking on my back. And front. All over. Need to top the tan up. Also heard about another casual Christmas gathering at La Bamba that I could go to after work. I'm glad there's an option like that, I like being surrounded by people on that day. Geez, this time last year I was next to my friend T chowing down on knodel in snowy Munich. How times change.

Danceoff dynamite

Still high off that generous $100 tip the night before, I hopped to work - no, wait, that was because I found several splinters in my foot from trampling around the thorns the night before - with Polly in tow. She is so cute, gets so excited to come along for the walk. I'll say it again - I can't wait to have my own dog again!

Felt a bit cold at the beginning of the day, the clouds came over and I really felt the change in the air. December is meant to be the coolest month (their "winter" I suppose), but that kinda means it's more bearable - well, except the emergence of bugs. I've bought room spray now so I am just gonna death blast them every night. The problem is, I think there's holes in my windows...

While I am settling in well here, I still feel disconnected from the island, like it isn't my home and won't ever be, well not without A anyway. As I said, I do enjoy my job - the views are incredible, the tourist for the most part enjoyable to take out, my staff are also nice and the bosses treat me well - but I can't see myself here for a long time.

I had one friend from work give some poignant advice to me today... saying that her partner of 6 years, who captains boats, has been away so long now that it's at the point they no longer connect and she doesn't see the point anymore. She sounded regretful and sad about it, like if she'd realised it sooner she could have either pulled the pin and saved the time, or tried harder to be together with him. Not that it seems she had much choice with his line of work. She stressed to me that finding someone you think is worth it, is something really important and shouldn't be taken lightly. It got me thinking.

Had 3 rides today... firstly a mother and daughter from Canada (again!), the daughter being a competitive rider and the mother a bit more tentative around horses. The daughter made some uppity comment about not needing a helmet because the horses would be "docile" so I made a point of giving her the 3-year-old. Yeah, try to find your comfort in THAT one, missy! Horse doesn't even know how to canter properly yet. We ran about a bit, leaving mum behind sometimes, and it turned out alright in the end. Got a nice tip at least.

Then I had an Asian/American couple, beginners, and a NZ couple, also beginners. The NZ couple were a 2-hour ride and - surprise, surprise - they didn't tip. They worked on the mega yachts and even told me they were paid well, surely they realise they are not in NZ anymore... I would have thought such well-traveled people would realise that. I hope I am more mindful of local custom when I travel elsewhere, now I've seen it from the other side.

OMG, I can't believe it - today I actually saw Apple Bottom Jeans! I almost asked her where her "boots with da furrr" where... But that is truly awesome. Never did I know that the clothes Flo Rida speaks of in his debut single, such a great track now let's be honest, was actually Nelly's brand. And they sell jeans with "Apple Bottom" printed across the ass pockets. And boots with fur. And even water boots (wellies, gum boots, take your pick) but apparently they come without the fur.

At the end of the day I felt kinda useless. J was walking around, feeding all the animals, after we'd gone up to do it together. I asked everyone where he went but they didn't know so I found myself sitting on the step waiting... which is super fun. I wish I could've made myself useful and maybe know what the hell order he was doing things, but when he feeds, he likes to just do it all so there seemed to be nothing for me. I tried to help out but got it wrong so almost fed the same horse twice (he would've eaten it though) so I just left.

Was annoyed and didn't see the point of me sticking around to do nothing. So whatever. Saw a beautiful sunset forming but I wanted to go home. No hanging around at the bar tonight. It was time for me to check out these danceoff finals... although the number I had for my friends doesn't seem to work so I just planned on going there solo and hoping to see them.

Heard what I thought was an Aussie accent in the supermarket today - it was Kiwi although VERY broad - and he was with a Canadian stocking up on beer. I told him what was happening at Sunset if they wanted something to do. He asked if I was going to be there, I said probably then realised maybe he was interested. So funny, I thought he was attractive but was not in the slightest ATTRACTED to him. So different to the old me. Didn't even think about wanting him. Was just a nice customer in a supermarket telling him about a party on tonight. I laughed at my changed situation as I perused the chicken section.

My horse, Chico, is getting a sore back. I thought maybe it was cos I was too heavy for him, I even weighed myself, but I think it's just cos he's been worked almost every day. So he gets some days off. Just when I was started to really enjoy riding him. Need some more training with the fluro sunset ride coolbag though, he freaked out about it last night when I was carrying it on my shoulder.

The danceoff was really good, the crews had some moves! Funnier still was sitting there on my own (and not getting picked up once!) and people watching. If I had been able to text my friends, I would have said, "You'll see me. I'm the white girl." Everyone was bootylicious black, and some of those outfits - you could poke an eye out with those curves! I felt a proper frump in my loose-fitting summer dress.

I never ended up seeing my friends, although to be honest I couldn't really remember what they looked like so I was hoping I just made eye contact with them and they responded accordingly. There were a couple of white couples in there that I looked at, and nothing. Got talking to one and they didn't seem overly keen to include me on their little love-in (platonically of course), so that didn't last long. I never wanna be one of those couples, shutting people out. Everyone welcome!

Came home and chatted with the old Greek man who lives by me, drinking a beer and texting A. I ended up calling him and using all the credit I'd bought that day (that's a new record) and probably telling him the surprise I wanted to keep as a surprise. Damn drunks, can't trust 'em with anything. But yes, been doing some major thinking and there are some changes afoot...

Saturday 17 December 2011

$100 bill y'all

Today was the day I finally felt the unknown pleasure of having a $100 bill pressed into my hand at the end of a ride. But more on that later...

The nights are getting cooler now. I know this because I now sleep with the use of a sheet almost every night. Which is GREAT for the mosquito situation, as I don't lie awake waiting for the fuckers to pounce. They don't seem to go for much other than my legs, a bit discriminatory since my arms are just as lovely and full of juicy bits, I'd have thought...

We had just a few rides booked today, the first of which was mine. A 9am start, so it was a quick saddle job - well, as quick as we could, the mud still persists (although last night was the first we didn't have rainfall in a while) and the horses make sure they roll right in the middle of it before brushing time.

My 9am ride was actually an older couple from American (surprise surprise) who had been the farm a couple of days earlier to check it all out. I appreciate that (wish I had the tenacity to do it myself but really I go riding anywhere) and was glad they came back. Only for a one-hour beginners walking ride, though, as they had another younger lady with them that didn't seem to be related, just maybe a friend from their resort.

The ride wasn't that exciting, but they were nice people and told me about some good dude ranches in the States I could maybe work at. Actually, they explained what exactly a "dude ranch" was, because I didn't really understand the term. Turns out they're kinda like horse resorts, where people stay, eat and ride all in the one property. Sounds like just the kind of place A and I could work at - me on horseback, him in the kitchen. Don't worry, I've already worded him up.

My next ride was an American mother and daughter combo, with a heavier mum who I had to change a saddle for as the first one she didn't fit into. And these are western saddles we're dealing with here... so it's fair to say she wasn't going hungry anytime soon. She also had a particular aversion to going downhill so I had to restructure the 2-hour trail to include more uphill climbs and flat paths. Thankfully, we stopped to chat quite a few times so that burnt extra minutes.

Then came my sunset ride... 2 couples, also American, probably about my age and nice enuf. The weather was perfect so the fire was no problem this time, no wind or rain to contend with, and the only complaint I could find was the sunset was blocked a little by clouds. But they roasted all the marshmallows we gave them and felt tipsy before the end of 2 champagne bottles, so I guess they enjoyed their time.

At the end, one of the guys did the shifty handshake/tip-giving gesture with one note and I assumed it was a $20 or, if I was lucky, $50. Imagine that! No, no... I was way off... $100!! For a 2-hour ride for 4 people! Here I was hoping they enjoyed themselves! Maybe it was because I didn't alert them to the rat that scattered around the fire looking for leftover marshmallow, maybe they were drunk, maybe they felt sorry that I had to handle and step on mostly thorny, dry plants to make their fire or maybe they were just really generous people... but thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Friday 16 December 2011

Death by butterfly?

I stalk my mosquito net. Looking for any unlucky fucker that thinks he's invisible against the white gridlock pattern. Come, my pretty, your destiny awaits. And so help me if I find you...

My legs are absolutely covered in bites, and now they transmit radio signal to all the little critters at work to surround me when I saddle, brush, lead the horses... I am scratching all day. Need to take spray with me. I've said it before... It's just lucky I'm not here to impress anyone.

The Christmas songs started when I was saddling. My workmate J has a thing for them, and actually ENJOYS listening to them. Freak. He has a medley that goes on seemingly forever of cheesy songs that I would never choose upon my ears, and then has the audacity to plug his phone into the main speakers of work to play it in the hut where I sit for lunch and the guests wait for their rides. Not sure which is more horrific - his playlist or Mariah Carey's Christmas hits.

Ended up being in the saddle for 5 hours today, had two 2-hour rides that kinda tired me out (there really isn't enuf land for 2 hours of riding) - although the first Canadian couple were older and fine to get off n rest a while. The second Canadian couple were younger and I had to repeat some trails a little. Didn't actually think they were going to tip me, as the girl answered, "it was... interesting" when I asked if she enjoyed herself, but I ended up with $20 in my pocket so it's not all bad.

That same girl must be the first person I've ever met that is scared of butterflies. Yeah, those harmless things that flutter about and rarely come too close in fear of our gargantuan arms smashing their delicate legs apart or rubbing off the special life dust from their wings... Those things I love! I will always remember when I was at my friend's funeral and one landed on my shoulder. Special creatures.

Actually, when I asked that same couple if they'd done any boat trips around the island, I was told, "Well, she doesn't like being on boats much." Shortly after, we were in the water and one of the horses was groaning (they sometimes do that in the water). I tried to explain it was natural, that it's just the air passing through their lungs differently... she started panicking, "But I just don't like it, I don't like it!" Really? Geez. So really, it wasn't a surprise her husband kinda pushed the money into my hand when she wasn't around. Imagine being married to that. SHE'S a special creature.

The rain that I woke to this morning thankfully cleared, but made sure the mud start hard n fast to all the areas we needed to walk through. Only those areas of course... mother fucker. Makes life so damn difficult.

My last ride was late, and as a result they kinda missed the sunset, not that they could see it much anyway behind the clouds. I had to saddled two extra horses as their friends decided to come. They were from San Fran, kinda ditzy but seemed to love the experience. We even gave them a discount. So I was kinda peeved they walked away without giving any tip. I had no time to chat really, as I was already working overtime and needed to unsaddle and let the horses go for the evening, but even when I came back down to the bar they'd left me nothing. Thanks. I always wonder about Americans that don't tip. Was I really not worth it?

Turns out it is a Dutch public holiday today, Kingdom Day or something (asked someone and they had no idea what it was about) but that means I get extra money for working a public holiday. Woot! Still haven't gotten the extra cash for working St Maarten's Day but apparently that's on its way.

Spoke to the bosses on the way home today about my future plans, and how I was liking the place. I told them through no fault of their own I would be leaving sooner than later, because I wanted to go home to my boyfriend and be a boring sappy girl. A said she understood that I shouldn't let something go that I felt so connected with, I imagined she would side with me being a woman n all, however I didn't tell them when exactly I would be going. That's mainly because I don't know.

But at least telling them is the first step. Then it's only 2 more weeks and I actually have to make the decision for real. Was looking at flights just today actually. Still seems to be cheapest to go back to LA via Puerto Rico, and could be cool to see a bit of it. Otherwise, it's just other US cities and I'm not really that excited to do that again. Was inspired to go live in Canada for a while today, speaking to all these Canadians. And they say work is plentiful, and my boy's sister lives there in a really horsey area... signs maybe??

The bosses have started locking Polly up in the day, maybe to stop her coming to the farm? Bless her, she was having such a good time chilling out there. She still loves me, I know it. They can't keep us apart.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Buttlerflies, beaches and burgers (French style)

An unexpected day off. I'm not really sure how it works but I'm still getting my normal days off this Sunday and Monday.... maybe they'll work it into my next month's schedule. Actually, that should be interesting, I've taken a few days off for St Thomas with the Erm and want to ask for more when I know the schedule. So much I want to do while she's here!

Still yet to decide on my return date, and certainly won't be committing to anything right here in my blog, but I have a fair idea of when it will be. And I will give you one clue - it's a damn sight nearer to what I originally planned! I know daddy is for one pleased.

So I was meant to meet I to ride his horses by the beach in French Quarter, which I'd only ever been past in a car, but when I got to work early to check my email, he came there with some chickens for the boss so I caught a lift over there with him and O, R's boyfriend and father of their two children. Cute little rasta things that they are.

I lives in what seemed like the ghetto of the French side, all unfinished concrete houses with dirt yards and discarded piles of this n that on the roadside. Not that it makes much difference at all to me where I lives, but it was interesting to see some more of real life on the French side.

He collected his two horses, one very pregnant mare that looks so big I almost think she's carrying twins (which is rare in horses) and the stallion that decked her, just 3 years old. I ended up riding the stallion with a nice, new Western saddle and some borrowed gear from Seaside, and my workmate jumped on Little Miss Preggers bareback with just a halter on. We were only going to walk, so it wasn't so important to have all the gear on her.

The ride to the beach took us through the streets of French Quarter, where my friend knew everyone we passed, and I waited for my horse to start doing all the rearing and playing up I was warned about. None of it came, however, so he must've taken notes when being told how to treat a lady. A true Caribbean horse.

Before we reached the beach, I took me to the butterfly house where he knew the people who worked there too. Score! Free entry, even allowed to take the dog in with us. The house wasn't as big as the one in Vienna but they had more variety, and prettier colours. I am a sucker for butterflies. Got some nice pics too.

Also stopped by the "competition", the horseriding place on the French Side, Bayside Riding. It isn't as big as where I work and doesn't have the land to let its horses roam, so when we went they were all still in their boxes. They are bigger horses than ours, mostly, but a bit skinnier. Which is ironic, since I was told a while ago customers would come to this stable after seeing the horses were too skinny at my work!

At the beach, we got some burgers and a drink, then moved further down the beach so we could take the horses in the water and also get some cleaner water - it was quite murky for Caribbean standards (probably nice for most other places in the world!) near the bar. The beach itself wasn't that busy, quite a few pretty ladies and a couple of loud, American voices, and this weird couple with a kids playpen full of Chihuahuas that they held in their arms into the water at intervals.

On the further down section of the beach, my workmate did some training with the stallion in the water while the pregnant one munched away at grass. I took his waterproof camera in and got some cool shots of all the action. Also did a 90-second video I planned to send in to audition for a music TV host (only to find out later it was too big to send and therefore impossible to make today's deadline - not savvy enuf with technology to change the file size).

Hometime came as we realised time was inching forward and there was meant to be a riding lesson for the boys tonight (they separate the boys and girls I think because R reckons the guys get distracted if they're riding with girls). Thankfully got another lift from O as he was due to pick up his girlfriend from the office, but when we got there we heard the lesson was cancelled. I hope mine goes ahead tomorrow, I need to get back on Seductor. He'll be even more fresh than usual!

Must sort out this mosquito situation before E comes. Need to invest in some spray to douse the room every night, as unhealthy as that may be, because I can't seem to get rid of the fuckers. And heaven knows how they get into the net. Cos I can't see them when I search. Grrr. Outsmart me, will ya...

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Hallelujah to honeymooners

Didn't eat dinner last night. Just a bit of cake at L's house. So I woke up with a raging hunger, which was not quite filled with my usual yoghurt, muesli and fruit. How healthy am I, though?!

I was elated to see the scratches on my arms had materialised well n truly, and I now look like a self-harmer. Faaaantastic. I hope it comes across to my guests as more of a "rough n ready, born to work" kinda look. Either way, I'm taking a photo of it.

Also figured out that when I was put on more "tip" rides during my boss' holiday... I didn't get my pay cheque as they'd made it out to the wrong name (looking at my Facebook for reference perhaps??) even though surely they know what they call me every day... So thankfully I can live on my tips, otherwise I'd be broke!

Another slow day at the farm. Polly didn't follow me as she was shut in with the other dogs. I wonder if she still loves me. Just one ride booked for when I arrived, and even that didn't show. Rescheduled for later, and when she did arrive she was boring as batshit and didn't tip me a cent. Awesome. Please come again.

Got pissed off at one of the Haitian guys that work here, when - in front of me - he hit our blind horse really hard on the nose. Several things wrong with that. Firstly, the horse is BLIND for fuck's sake, secondly the thing he'd done wrong was already done so he wouldn't have understood the violence, thirdly the guy was just pissed that the horse had kicked him before and broken some ribs accidentally (probably his fault, by the looks of it anyway), and lastly if you hit an animal on the nose it can lose its sense of smell. Man, i was angry. Told the boss straight away. Hope he got an ass-whooping.

I worked my rather plentiful derriere off today, doing chores and making sure things run smoothly tomorrow on my day off. Well, kind of day off... have been asked to come in for just one private ride, fine for me since I'll be paid for my trouble and private rides are usually more fun as we go faster. The weather has fined up now so hopefully that continues through to tomorrow and I can get some beach time. Feel like doing it solo though, if L asks I'll be busy.

Woke up today with three messages from my boy, each as paranoid as the next... seems he'd finally gotten back online and had spent a torturous however many minutes catching up with all my blogs... sigh. He is NOT happy about L. I don't blame him, to be fair, although I think I would understand and trust more if he was in the same shoes. Like he says, though, it's not ME he doesn't trust... So I had some consoling to do before I started work... put a bit of a downer on the morning, to be honest. I hate hearing him so upset.

So anyway, I had another ride around sunset time, although not a sunset champagne ride (that one was for J). Did all the hard yakka of feeding (I used to get peeved off that they'd always get the boys to do the feeding like I couldn't handle it but now I'm pretty sure that's a good thing), then my ride came. The boss and his wife laughed at my legs - I was sure I'd cleaned them but mud still persisted. Although not all the marks were mud, I've got quite a stunning collection of bruises and mozzie/bug bites right now. What a treat I must look.

It was just one hour, and another good-looking, American honeymooning couple. These guys were lovely, as most of them usually are, and seemed to really enjoy their ride. They were blessed with a wonderful sunset - blazing red sun, hardly any clouds, gigantic sun rays shooting out in an almost unrealistic pattern across the sky, soft pink hues as the sun's light faded - I know I was impressed!

Maybe it was this, maybe it was because I took some great pictures of them in the water, maybe I'm just an awesome guide... but for some reason they tipped me $45!! I think that's the most a couple has ever tipped me, and for an hour ride?? Hallelujah is all I can say - after that tightass women earlier, and the recent days of little tips, I needed that. Have calculated what I want for this month and now I got four more days to get it. Oh, and maybe a bit of tomorrow...

Strike a pose!

Like most other Sundays, it was pretty quiet on the ranch. Only one ride was booked, and I was to take it. So at least I had the chance of making SOME tip!! The ride was a mother and her son on a private ride, so we could go as slow or as fast they wanted. I opted to take a more reliable mount than Chico, Max, as the little boy had never been on a trail before. He was only 7.

Out on the trail, he was game enuf to try riding without a lead rope but then when I asked about trotting, the mum was dead keen but he wasn't so much. So, for the extra they paid for a full private ride to do whatever, we just ended up walking! Which is fine by me, it's their choice. Still went in the water at the end - in their classic young person manner, he was all about the water, interrupting me talking about nearby islands to ask, "When are we going in the water? Can we go to the water now?" About half an hour into the 1.5 hour ride he was asking this. I knew the mum wanted to keep riding, so I managed to stretch it out pretty much to time.

That was my only ride, but thankfully they tiipped me. A good tip. Amazing how all those rides I did the other day just amounted to $8, when some people don't hesitate to give $20 for two people on a ride. It helps when you look after their kids, though, that's always a winner. Not that I wouldn't anyway... but it helps.

Then I was given the job of rounding up the horses and cows. Those bloody cows. I tell you what, I have half a mind to bring a shotgun in on Christmas Day and have a nice big BBQ of beef. That big, black cow, she'd do nicely. The fucker, hides deep in the bushes and even when you DO find her, she runs away deeper, usually taking the calves with her. Oh help me, Lord, if I had a shotgun...

I had another "ride" I guess you would call it... a model and a photographer, wanting some photos of some clothes she was wearing on a pretty horse. I caught Paloma, our albino horse with blue eyes and white hair. She was filthy, given the recent weather, so I bathed her but she still looked a bit dirty. Anyway, it seemed good enuf for the guys so I led them out to the point for some photos before going in the water a bit. Was a pretty funny experience. The photographer didn't seem all that professional and thought he could do it all in 30 mins, so they must have been on a budget! Advertising St Maarten as a tourist destination... maybe it was government funded.

So the boss is back. All nice n relaxed after his holiday and actually finding it difficult to see faults in the way the farm is since his departure. This is a good thing. I'm just glad I kept his dogs alive for his return, or for sure there would be no job waiting for me the next morning. And hooray, no more feeding!! Bless those dogs, but responsibility, bah!

L rang me after I finished work, asking if I wanted to chill out. I had no plans so he came by to pick me up. We went to his place and just hung, didn't really do much at all... but I started to think this should not become a habit. Like I say, not that I would do anything, but I don't want him to get in the habit of asking me around. It would be SO good if there was no feelings on his side, or if he was a girl with no ill intent, or something else... he lives so close and I would love to have a good friend here that my boyfriend doesn't want to kill.

The ghetto he lives in was ON FIRE on that Sunday night! There was Spanish music, dancing, lively voices, kids play-fighting in the street... I felt like I was transported to another place. L said it was the only place like it on the island... All I could think of was, I wonder where A and I could go that we could live this life, with so much culture, life, love, breath... surely we could find an island somewhere. Oh, to soak all that up!! Made my skin tingle.

Borrowed a book about Bob Marley from L, to replace the somewhat inappropriate Great Sex Weekend I've been looking at but not really opening. Little does L know, he's now given me another reason to say no to hanging with him and staying in by myself.

Sunday 11 December 2011

Tightass Saturday

Saturday night. Doing the washing. Oh, what a life I lead!

Was a pretty shitty day at work today, forget Tightass Tuesday, it was Tightass Saturday fo sho. Got the least amount of tips yet - just $8! I don't know what was up with everyone today, but J didn't get much either. I think I went on 3 rides, the last just a couple who booked an hour and ended up getting me all to themselves. I always think, if it's your first time on a horse, if I make it such a friggin enjoyable experience, where's the money dawwwg??

On the other hand, it's not often you get tipped by experienced riders, especially ones who didn't read the brochure correctly. I had these 2 guys who worked with the rodeo in America disappointed it wasn't a 2-hour ride with running etc. Not sure where they got that idea from. They also tried to convince me that Wyoming was better than Colorado - where all these people think I should visit - because "in Wyoming you can find interesting types, like the man who just wears a diaper and a cowboy hat." Hold the phone, I'm booking my flight now!

Also, it rained unbelievably heavily last night - I was woken up by it! - so the ground was horrendously muddy and I was most of the day in my Crocs, which seep in the delightful mud/manure/piss/anything else mixture every time I squelch into a surprisingly deep mud pile. Sometimes you just can't tell, and then it's too late.

According to the paper, there were 8 cruise ships in today. Considering that number, we weren't at all that busy. I guess there's still a few contracts to garner for those companies.

Oh, I picked up a frog skeleton today. DIdn't actually realise that's what it was until I threw it away. Actually thought it was leftover strips of bacon fat sitting on a saddle attracting ants, and as it fell to the ground I noticed the vague shape of a head and a spine. But it was all squishy, not like bones... GROSS!!!

Got told to be a bit cleaner in the kitchen by the finicky old man that got me the gas, basically because one night I drank a beer and forgot to put the empty bottle in the bin, oh and I also sometimes leave my used matches on the bench. SHOCK, HORROR! I told him to chill out over a few matches and that I wasn't actually the only one using his stove when we didn't have gas, so whatever he was cleaning wasn't necessarily my leftovers. Fuck that, I do not like being told I'm careless and messy. They are just lucky they didn't live with those PIGS I lived with in London...

It's times like that I don't wanna hang around this island. I just want to go back to Australia, rent a flat with my boy and only have him pissing me off in my house! But then I go to the beach and look at the crystal clear water, feel the cool summer breeze and lay on the warm sand. And I could stay a little longer. Just a little.

Money in my hair, dawg

My day off and of course it's crappy weather! How many times will I be deprived of my good beach bakes in such circumstance??! Not that it was pouring all day, it was just "iffy". Found out the gas stove I'd been borrowing off a flatmate was using cylinder gas, not gas from a pipe, and so when it ran out I spoke to him and offered to pay for the next cannister. That was a whole 'nother drama in itself. Had to find the sometimes cranky old man to ask him to get it cheaper from his work, get someone to drop it off, walk down and pay, come back with someone to transport the full container back.... bah.

Went to work in the morning dressed to ride, as we'd spoken the night before about me taking the girl who was managing the place while the boss is away and the Dutch intern for a ride. But when I got there she'd decided it was best to do it when he got back. Little bit annoyed but I guess I understood. More annoyed the internet didn't work. So I killed time chatting with J (also off work but at work to feed the boss' birds) then went back - gas in hand - to get ready for some boat action with L.

We walked to P's house to fetch the boat, of course waiting around for whatever needed to be done once we got there (including a rain shower - grrr). One of the guys that looks after P is called Dodo - at first I wondered at the name, then upon getting to know him I see it's cos he can be kinda dumb. And act like a child. I'll explain more later. But first thing I notice is scratches and scabs on his body... seems he had a motorcycle accident. No surprises there.

First port of call in the boat was Character Beach. I'd been told about this place by some ladies on a ride, who said it was a bit of a kept secret - never too busy, nice water, cool bars. Well, I saw it from the water and actually swam to it from where we anchored the boat. That was cool. Didn't have anywhere to put the money for a beer so just stuffed it in the nest that was my hair. Worked a treat! Walked up to the bar dripping wet in my bikini and ordered a cold one. Oh, it tasted good.

While I was doing all this, L was cleaning the bottom of the boat, snorkel n all. But soon he came to the bar, complaining of stinging jellyfish in the water. Bugger, I thought, we have to swim back through that to get on board!! Survived another rain shower, sinking beers, and decided to hotfoot it to another place for food (since it was $4 for a tiny cup of fries there). I swear I got stung on the neck on the swim back.

Mullet Bay was the destination, although when we arrived we found ourselves too late for the food they usually serve on the beach. Try again! Had a nice swim around the boat - not one bit scared of sharks like usual due to the sheer crystal-clearness of the water - and then headed back towards Simpson Bay as the sun started to fade.

On the way back, I flashed a party catamaran L used to work for - big cheer there - and we sidled by some other place he used to work to get some free beer. Score! Ran into (well, not literally) H from work kayaking around the lagoon, crazy woman it was getting a bit choppy by that stage.

Back at P's, we chilled for a little bit before Dodo decided to get all funny about something not worthwhile, and ended up childishly calling L and I something like "fuckin' rasta and his dumb bitch." Oh no no, I will not be taking that. I put right in his place, told him if he didn't want to be treated like a child he shouldn't act like one, and if he has a problem, he says it right to my face rather than call me immature names. L told me after he was impressed at my little speech. Haha... little does he know what I'm really like.

Had time to get home and get ready for my workmate's birthday drinks at La Bamba, stopping for shwarma on the way. Only problem was that it was raining heavily by that stage, and as a result L didn't want to leave his house to meet me at the arranged time. I got pissed off, in the end leaving for him to catch me (and Polly the dog, following me through the rain, bless her) up. I felt sorry for N, I knew not many would make the effort since it was raining and it wouldn't go for that long, so I needed to get there.

I hadn't even changed my clothes in the end, still wearing the white kaftan with pink bikini underneath (a combo I only realised when getting home left pink breast patches on my kaftan in the rain). Got a phonecall on the way there from Dodo, apologising for acting like a child. That was nice. I stayed at La Bamba for a couple of drinks and smokes before leaving with L and R from work to go to the movies. Went by my house first for jackets as the cinema is always beyond freezing (what a waste of energy) and watched The Sitter. Well, never gonna get those 1.5 hours of my life back! Should've been called The Shitter.

On the road home, we saw it was finally opened up again after the roadworks that plagued the island for months. And on time! I couldn't actually believe it! The first thing to ever get done on time in the Caribbean. So now we won't lose so much business because of the traffic and hopefully less cheeky sods will cut through our private property to save some time. Although, knowing these folk, they'll still do it - anything to cut a corner.

Saturday 10 December 2011

I don't do dead things

The morning began with the daily feeding of the dogs, although this time it was a little different. When I went to let the dogs out from the backyard, I heard something screech and when the dogs ran to the gate, the Labrador X, Angel, came with a nice little present, a baby chicken breathing its dying breaths in her mouth. Oh dear. I yelled for her to drop, but she just ran away wagging her tail.

I went to R's dad to ask him to fetch the dead thing - since I don't do dead things and it is most certainly in my job description - but he said he was scared of Sheeba, the shepherd type dog. Seems most people are scared of that dog, but FINE with picking up a dead chicken. I'm waiting for the day she turns on me. Maybe when I stop feeding her. So we looked for the chicken but it wasn't around, so maybe Angel buried it (I found it later in the corner, Angel uses it to play with - GROSS).

So it wasn't a super busy day today... ended up getting a mild sum of tips after just 2 rides so it was nothing spectacular. Polly followed me again, this time not chasing any horses just being a cool, calm farm dog that no one had any problems being there. I really hope the boss doesn't spit chips when he comes back and she is following me everywhere.

It wasn't the COLDEST day I've had here... Seriously, I found myself sweating pretty much the entire day. Even when I was seemingly doing nothing I was sweating. These beads, they just draw from every pore in me and cascade down my body, fighting for the first chance to touch ground.

I was asked to round up the horses and cows, funny because I always seem to leave a few cows or horses (or both) behind, not really knowing at this stage which I should be counting in the paddock. I chose Tornado to do the rounding up, because he is the best. I think I've explained how good this horse is, but just to reiterate... no bit is needed to ride him. At just 4 YEARS OLD. Amazing. Only thing is, he kicks and he has a sensitive back. Otherwise, he'd be perfect.

Hung around for some beers after work, also do look at the sunset (of course), it is really stunning here. Just chilled a bit then went home. L asked if I wanted to go for drinks, seeing as I wasn't doing much else tomorrow, but I said no. Just wanted to keep it lowkey. And luckily so, my boy decided to call me at some absurd hour (11pm) to see how I was doing. I'd just been thinking about him. But MAN, was he in a paranoid mood. Thinking I was all doing wrong things n shit. Bless him, he's so far away now. What else can he does but worry??

No English? No sound at all? No Problem!

Another long day in the saddle. Let me think... gotta be at least 6 hours. Got half as much tips as the day before - only $5 from an Arab/Israelian couple whose wife half had never ridden and by the end of my ride, was keen as mustard for the water. He was so earnest when he gave me the money, too, I actually double-checked my pocket when I later took out the fiver. Really? That's all your wife's enjoyment is worth?

Haha... ahh, I make myself laugh sometimes. I was speaking with these guys about marriage and proposals and all that... I asked how he did it. "Well, it wasn't really one of those kind of situations... uhh, I guess we were just introduced and said, yeah he seems nice." Wow. What a way to live a life!! Nice enuf people, just have NO desire to ever have that happen to me! My husband is going to be head over heels, beyond comparatively, sublimely happy with me. Or so I will be told.

I had a difficult situation today. Two of my guests were deaf, and therefore I had to make sure I was always in their sight when we stopped to ensure they could read my lips. I spoke slowly and deliberately to make sure they understood my little quips (of which there were many, of course, I am hilarious). One of the girls was quite scared, but then I had a little boy to keep up front, and a lady "who had ridden much before" fighting to pull back her horse at the end. It wasn't the easiest ride I'd had. They tipped me at the end, and prompted the other family of 3 to grope at their pockets in embarrassment and tell me they'd "almost forgotten to give me this". Bah! Yeah right.

It was busy today. One of those days that never seemed to end. I was on a two-hour ride that ended at 4pm and I assumed that would be my last. Oh no, when I got back I had 21 guests waiting to find hats, be divided into groups and put on horses. Phew! All guides were on board for this one, no one spared.

I lucked out with a group of non-English speaking Germans - seriously, when do you EVER come across a group of Germans who can't speak English??? - so I had to get everything translated from the one woman who seemed to be their tour guide. One woman rode in bare feet, fisherman pants, a Bob Marley t-shirt and a rasta beanie in her hand. Why she didn't have rastas was beyond me. Wonder what she thought of me.

Wasn't expecting a tip, and didn't get anything until I clocked off and R gave me an envelope with a modest sum. Well, that was nice, and better than nothing! Sometimes they walk away and never get to say goodbye, other times we are hurried back up to sort the horses out or go on another ride, so if we're lucky we have envelopes of tips waiting for us at the end.

I didn't hang around much after work - the internet didn't work (lucky my boy isn't online for another 9 nine days so he's not missing my intermittent stops online) so I packed up and walked back home with Polly the dog (she's still following me) and guide R. I wonder what will happen with that dog when the bosses come back. Today she apparently chased some horses, but I think that was alright since the horses were in the wrong place. But we'll see... if I have to tie her up again tomorrow, maybe I'll think again about letting her come every day. Bless her, she even followed me to the supermarket last night. Although when I got there I don't know where she went, just turned up later at home. She is random.

At home, I was surrounded by animals. The cat was splaying itself out on the table to get a free rub, the dog sat by my feet, the boss' other dogs barked in their enclosure above me... I felt the right old crazy cat woman. One day.... one day.

L texted me to come see his new puppies - just 2 days old!! - so he came to get me and walk me to his place in the ghetto. Now I thought I lived in the ghetto, nah uh. He is in the ghet-to. I was feeling mighty secure playing Single White Female up in there, with dogs roaming about all looking related in some way (because they are), a random group of men playing dominos, some Spanish-speaking women drunk and consoling a crying friend from a party across the way... So much to take in, then there always is in the ghetto.

L's place was cool, you could really tell he'd lived there his whole life. I looked around his room, at his paintings on the wall, the books piled high and gathering dust on the bookshelf in the corner, the startling contrast of a new Playstation in the other corner, a comfy couch you could just sink into eternity on, a stick of incense stuck horizontally into a hole in the wood by the door, the pictures of his son by his bed... Made me think of how long it'd been since I'd had such a long-term dwelling in a room. Some place to call home. Really, home.

We just chilled for a bit, listening to Aretha Franklin, smoking a joint and drinking a beer. Almost fell asleep I was so tired from work! Thought I'd maybe have postponed it for the following night when I was off, then I thought it was better I had a legit excuse to leave early. I do like L but I don't trust him completely. He knows FULL WELL how much I love A, I talk about him non-stop it would be stupid to think anything else. I just know that, given the right circumstances, he would not stop me from doing something I might regret with him. He is male, after all. Ha!

No one likes the fact I am hanging out with him - not the guys from work, not A - maybe I should listen to them. But as if, I'm too stubborn! I can handle myself. I just have to keep it all at arm's length. And never stop thinking about my baby, waiting for me so patiently on the other side of the world.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Locker Out of Order

Passing the $100 tip mark

Today was one of the best days of work I've had yet. Mainly, because I finally surpassed the $100 tip mark and also because I spent the day riding, even taking my young Chico on two private rides and not having much problem at all (those rides we walk, trot canter and usually on my watch, gallop a little).

First a 2-hour ride, then 2 cruise ship one-hours, then a shortened lunch and 2 private rides. The thing, as I've said before, with the private rides is that you usually get the best tips, but this first couple I had said they were experienced but weren't really. The husband was an ass, trying to overtake us and basically out of control of his horse while the wife struggled to gain control of hers. She had a goey one, and he was on an easier one, didn't give a shit that he was ruining her ride.

At one point, I slowed down and she just shot past. We came to a walk, asshole husband and I, and saw her disappear down a track towards home. Only seconds before I had asked them to slow down as we were heading in the direction of home, and then she goes sprinting off. Yeah, well last time I play Miss Nice Girl. Just glad they could find the fun side of it - although that was the worst tipping ride I had. Next time don't lie about your abilities and don't treat your wife like shit.

The last ride made up for it, though, giving me $40 for 3 people, and they were return customers so knew what to expect. Glad I could continue to make themselves enjoy the place, and I'm sure they'll come back next time. The day was hot, though, and it was a welcome change to have the clouds come over in the later part to give me some relief. I'm sure I got some good colour on my legs though. Commented to the office manager that I got good tips, probably cos I was put on good rides, and she said the boss had asked her to get me some more tips. Don't know why, but I'll take it!!

One of the boss' dogs followed me to work today. And not the Labrador, or the shepherd, or the Golden Retriever. No, the stumpy-legged, big-eared, long-torsoed adopted dog the boss got from his wife's parents when they started to travel too much to take care of it. Polly. Bless her inbred socks. She followed me to the farm then hung around while I saddled the horses, then disappeared while I rode and returned again when I ate lunch, hanging around just enuf to see what i was doing but not disturb me. What a brilliant dog! I thought she might be a hassle. Maybe we've found a new farm dog here??

She didn't kill anything so I guess I'm still in the good books of R, the lady taking care of the place while the boss is away. It's 6 days into the 10 he's at Disneyland, and things seem to be going well. She says he sounds relaxed and the place seems to run pretty well without him. So maybe this will allow him to take a step back and relax. Doubt it, though! Anyone with this kind of business never likes to stop being involved.

So the end of the day came and I had my beers, threw the dog in the back of the truck and got a lift home with J. I'm having to get used to logging onto the internet and not having any beautiful messages from my beautiful boy, for another 10 days at least. Then it's all on for young n old. I do love the way his messages make me feel.

And the dogs erupt again. Was is it this time???

Caribbean time

I'd arranged to have L pick me up before 9 this morning so we could get going on this fishing trip with his older English friend... however, it seemed our drinking session the previous night had knocked his own old bones for 6, and he ended up being about 1.5 hours late.

All was good for me, though, as I got to do my washing (sans electrocution this time) and turn my lovely white sheet into a nice peach colour (who knew cold water could do that - hope the boss' don't notice when I give the sheets back). Fed the dogs too... well, put the food out, but not much of it was touched, which is weird since the other dog Polly didn't seem hungry either and when L finally arrived he said his dog wasn't eating much either. Maybe there's some kind of weird moon at the moment.

It was a classic "Caribbean time" day today. What was planned as a fishing trip in the morning for a couple of hours turned out to be a day-long adventure that actually did not involve catching any fish - in fact, there was not a spot of fishing done all day. Unless you count the time we cast out a couple of trawling lines and got cut off by some coast guard type, who ruined one of our lines before telling us the area was a reserve.

But it was still a fun day. P, a tall, slightly eccentric 60-year-old English ex-pat who now lives on St Maarten in a waterfront (as in the water is his front yard) apartment with 2 black bodyguards as he has epilepsy. It took me almost all day but I finally realised that he bears an uncanny resemblance to Bricktop (I think that's his name??), the top mob boss in Snatch. His accent and articulate speaking style is exactly the same, and the drunker he got the more convoluted the words became. Half the time I was struggled to understand his meaning but just making do with my assumption. Even found I starting talking like him by the end of the day!

He has a small speedboat that has been sitting there unused for about a year, and L recently approached him to make a smalltime business out of it, taking tourists on island trips. The trip we did today was to see the condition of the boat (not great) and what they needed to renovate before applying for insurance and making it legit.

Before we got going, we sat around... went to the bakery, then took the boat to the boat shop for some fishing equipment. Another funny Caribbean story actually.... I was waiting for guys by the boat, which they'd parked in a fuel stop, and when the attendant finally came he said they couldn't park there cos it was a gas station, so I said they wanted to fuel.

Then a couple of locals came up in a dinghy and the guy says to them there's no gas, basically because he wanted to eat his lunch and couldn't be fucked to help them. Not that he was that busy the other 23 hours of the day. Made up some story that the gas had run out and the guys drove off, pissed that he couldn't do his job. Then my mates came back and voila! There was gas! Wow. What a lazy ass.

Once we were out of the open sea, beers in the cooler and rods at the ready, we toured around the island thinking of places to fish or swim, and found ourselves roaring at a speed that ate the petrol. So off to another fuel stop on the French side. P kicked up his drinking by pouring a (huge) shot of rum into the coconut he was drinking and off we went.

Then we got off at Grand Casse, also on the French side, for late lunch. All courtesy of P, a generous soul, we ate ribs, chicken, stuffed crab and an array of vegetables. All in a market setting so not all that glamorous, and certainly not the best food I'd had, but P was in his element, proclaiming everything as "splendid", "magnificent" and "perfection". Well, it filled my belly, at the very least!

Then it was off for more boating to various spots, finally casting the line out to trawl in - would you believe it - a reserve! Before we knew it, a boat comes along close and - ignoring our waving, "We've got a line, we've got a line!!!" they cut it right off. Assholes! Then they drove up alongside us and told us it was a reserve. Oops. Sorry. Our bad.

A moment passed and we were distracted. Just like the whole day before us, we were like children - something shiny comes along and we're off. This time it was the sunset. And man, was it a good'un. We rounded the corner just as it was setting and, trying to be stealth since we didn't have any nighttime navigation lights, rounded around the bend back into Simpson Bay. Not before getting some stellar photos. What a view.

Back at P's house, we had some beers and then P disappeared... seems he'd had his fill and was passed out. It was one of those situations where you're at someone's house who'd facilitated an awesome day and it was the end. The curtain call. So L and I moved on, of course via the icecream place... I had a craving. Man, that shit is gooooood.

They want me to help out when I can on board if they ever get the business up n running... I said for sure, probably at night if you do sunset cruises, but I doubt I'll stay here long enuf for them to get so established. Is nice, though, to have a contact with a boat... Makes me want to take Erm out on some special trip including the key ingredients of beer, fishing, water and sun. Ahhhh, yeah.......

And the sun goes down on St Maarten

Crappy weather, classic day off

Had quite a pleasant sleep in one of the coolest nights so far on the island, actually used my sheet and so wasn't so much bothered by the mosquitoes my net apparently keeps out.

I have this book called The Great Sex Weekend, a random leftover I procured from my sister moving house. Not sure why I brought it here. I'm also not sure I want to read it - I fear it'll make me scale the walls. I made a comment about the no-sex thing being hard for all these months to my workmate and he burst into laughter. Apparently girls don't say that kind of thing around here.

Went to Seaside for the internet in the morning, spent another bazillion dollars calling A in Australia - first farm he was on had internet but no phone signal, the one he's on now has no internet and phone signal, I much prefer internet!! - then speaking with T for a while on Skype. Was good to catch up. It reminded me that our mutual friend was coming to Oz for a short while and maybe if I got myself back soon enuf I could catch him.

Half arranged to do La Bamba tonight with E, having already half arranged it with L, so I waited for his call and when it came, organised for the same time with him. I have tomorrow off too so it's a good night to have a couple of drinks. Not that it will be much more than a couple, Sundays are usually pretty chilled.

Kept it low-key today, given the overcast and even a bit cold weather, and St Barts was certainly not on the cards. All I heard from the guy about last night was that he'd had connectivity problems and got back to me after I'd already logged off, so that was that. I wonder if they sailed in the shit weather.

Went along for the ride with J to get some feed before he dropped me home. Funny thing happened at the gas station. We gave the guy $10 for gas (they don't let you do it yourself here during the day, which makes no sense as surely the night is when people would try to pump n run) and then drove off, watching as the meter did not move. We got the feed and came back to talk to the guy, and at the very same time another woman was screaming from her car that he'd done the same to her and gipped her with her change. There was arguing, nothing came of it and everyone screeched away in their cars grumpily. Ahh, St Maarten.

Watched some comedy on my laptop and washed my clothes, which proved more of a drama than in previous times. There was water all over the floor for some reason and as a result, I kept getting shocked and had to get my flatmate to keep unplugging it so I could actually take my clothes out as they were shocking me too. I really don't like getting shocked. Reminded me of the Help X place I went to in Romania where the shower fixture electrocuted people. I used to get drunk and challenge it - that was the only way I could clean myself, really. That's Romanian plumbing for you.

Returned to Seaside in the afternoon with a couple of the boss' dogs so they could get air. No way I was taking all 3 of the boisterous ones, just the choc Lab/German Shepherd X Angel and the stumpy-legged adoptee from the boss' parents, Polly. Bless her and her inproportionate body. They caused minor trouble but no chickens killed so I guess that's a plus.

So L and I went out to La Bamba but no pretty Canadian showed up, although I did get a missed call a little later from her. The bar got actually quite full and so I found myself - once again - staring at tourists my parents' age (presumably American) awkwardly dancing but ultimately having an awesome time in their holiday outfits, going a little bit more crazy than they would at the local bar back home dancing to cheesy rock n' roll covers. Ahh, what a view.

Really. Could you tell I'm pessimistic?? This place sometimes makes me crazy with all the old, fat American tourists. I'm sorry I don't mean they're all bad people but imagine trying to live when you're 27 and surrounded by these people all the time. And when I'm on my days off I get bundled into their little tourist circle so I know how it feels to live like them. Well, minus the large pricetag and air con and taxis and.... and.... well.... it's not so bad for me. I'm just bitching.

Scored a tequila shot off a lady who I spotted carrying a whole tray of them and commented on the large night she looked like she was about to have. Her reply, in an English accent, got me all excited and she ended up including me in on the round haha! Have I ever said how much I love the English??

So we got talking to some of the guys at La Bamba... they were also manning a yacht. I'm beginning to see a trend. When you hang out at the bars close to the mariners, you get results. Haha!! Kidding... But I do need to figure out which place is the best for "Old Years" just to make sure me and the Erm get the best party on offer. Only the best for the Erm. And me of course. Bring that shizzle fo nizzle on.

Today's forecast: Heavy head & heavier rain

It was a HOT morning. Compounded by the fact I was hungover, it was a horrible start to a day that was to deliver not much more on the plus side. I shooed the cat out from the night before (no pussy jokes, thanks) and begrudgingly went to feed the dogs. Oh, the dogs. They have so much energy. And of course today would be the day I needed to open the new feed bag - and I'm talking a fucking massive bag! And of course I spilt it all over the place. Ho hum.

Dogs all done, I headed to work and readied the horses. We had just one ride booked from the cruise ships, and I was scheduled to do it. Fine with me, I might get some tips! My positivity was quite literally dampened as another torrential downpour enveloped our entire world and left us stranded with the horses, chickens and peacocks under the stable dryness. I saw the cruise ship bus come, stop, turn around and leave again. No one even got out.

While I was eternally grateful I didn't have to take the grumbling people out in the wet, I knew it was going to be a boring day with not much to do. Until the rain stopped. When that finally happened, a couple of hours later, I got to work as well as I could. Which wasn't very well, considering my head. I managed to put the hose on the wrong way around, then forget to plug it back in altogether and turn the water on so it was splashing everywhere (like the ground needed to be more wet)... I was pretty useless.

They had planned an early Dutch celebration of Christmas, complete with "Sinterklaus" coming down on horseback, so thankfully it dried up for the afternoon. They had these people dressed like court jesters and all painted black - wasn't sure who they were meant to be, but wondered how the actual black people felt about this. Maybe it wasn't as racist as it came across to me.

Got an email on my lunch break from the man I met at the bar the previous night. He was keen to come for a horseride so that gave me something to do. I got the horses able to carry the biggest weight (they aren't small guys) and we went for a ride, after which I got a nice tip and invited out to dinner on the French side. I said I'd email them when I was finished work, which I did, but never heard back. So I got ready and waited where I said I would, and when they didn't show and it started to rain, I just went to the supermarket and bought my own dinner to make at home. No dramas.

He'd also invited me to St Barts again during the ride, so I wasn't sure when I logged on the next morning at work if I'd have an apology email and another invitation to go. Part of me knows it's suss, but another part of me has seen this all before and has never not been able to handle it before. He knows I'm taken and is almost my dad's age so should know there is absolutely no chance I'd go for him. Hey, if the guy wants to invite a young girl out to dinner with his crew, whatever. It's not like that buys me into their beds. As I said, I can handle myself.

When I was almost in bed - tired as I was, that was before 9pm on a Saturday night - I got a missed call from an unknown number. I don't usually call back those numbers but thought it could've been the guys. Turned out to be E, the sweet Canadian girl I'd met at Buccaneers, asking if I wanted to do something that night. Would've been pretty crap company if I'd said yes! Hopefully we hang out soon though, it would be nice to have a friend to do things with for once.

Back on the booze

Was told there was a small earthquake here the other day at about 2am. Seems I slept like through it! Was about 4.6 on the Rictor scale apparently. I wake up here all the time from noises, I wonder how I managed to sleep through that.

No cruise ship today, so it was a bit slower at work. Had a ride first thing in the morning, two nice ladies from America. Been coming to the island for over 20 years so knew a helluva lot more about it than me! Enjoyed the ride, though, especially the water part.

R is handling the boss being away good so far, even though it's only been 2 days and quiet both days. Tomorrow will be interesting, as Santa Claus is coming and there will be screaming kids all over the place. Great! Can't wait.

J put my horse with another one on heat today, just so he could watch him fuck her. Now my horse is not a stallion anymore but still thinks he is, so this kinda thing still happens. No harm, no foul, but it's kinda sick that he wants to watch it - gross!! Sidenote: until today, I had never seen a 2-foot cock. OWWWWWW!!!

Came across a lone chicken today, sitting all day under the mounting blocks. On closer inspection, I saw she had all her back feathers pulled out and some pretty major, horrific scratch marks down her back. When she tried to move away from me, a great struggle, I saw a bone poke out through one of the holes on her back. Poor thing! Eventually I found someone who agreed she should be put out of misery and then it was lights out for her (by the other person of course, I'm chicken - oooh, wrong word there). We don't know if it was a turkey, mongoose, dog... but man, I felt for the poor creature!

Had another ride in the afternoon, three hot young girls probably about my age on a 2-hour ride. I let them go a little faster than allowed, just for the kicks, they seemed to like it and then I gave them a roundabout way to get back through the bush, and some more time in the water. And afterwards let them feed carrots to the horses. So they enjoyed themselves. They invited me out to Buccaneers for their last night drinks.

Had some major drama with our private road which people have started to use as a public thoroughfare because the paper printed that it was soon to be opened as such. So we have all these randoms coming through, tearing down the road, unconscious of the fact we have horserides going on all day... they were cursing black n blue to R and the others who got involved. I could hear them from the stables! I stayed well away...

I just can't believe some people on this island. They try to physically push the boulders that hold the chain, or even try to push through the chain with their trucks. It's private property, guys, have some respect!! If I saw a chain over a road like that, I wouldn't try to open it. It's clearly there for a reason.

Then J had 3 drunk American women for his sunset ride, which they thought I was taking out and were thoroughly disappointed when they heard I wasn't. However, I soon got them talking to J and they were happy as Larry to be going out with him. I had a feeling they'd try to get naked or something, and when I asked him the next day he said they did. Too funny. They also said they'd give him a tip and went to the car, and just drove off! Fucking bitches!

So I went out to Buccaneers and couldn't find the girl, so started talking with a pretty young girl that was left alone when the lady she was with ran off to talk with a friend. Turned out she had just arrived on the island to meet a family she had applied to nanny for, so she wasn't sure if she was staying or not. Then the girls came and we had a little crew happening.

Watched some hermit crab racing which was hilarious. The animated MC got the crowd riled up for some action-packed adventure, and at the climax of his little spiel, revealed the racing crabs who were almost all immobile, except for the couple crawling lazily about and another two climbing over each other. Eventually they made it to the edge of the ring, but it was a lot of effort for them seemingly!

Stood next to a group of older guys who had hired a boat to sail around St Maarten and its nearby islands, and swapped details with one of them as he mentioned there was space for me to do a random trip to St Barts on Sunday and Monday, the exact days I have off. Now I take that as a sign that I should be going! And you really do need to go to the island of the celebrities in a private yacht.

Ended up getting quite drunk and shaking my ass on the dancefloor (we were the only ones dancing) with the one Latin American girl among them all. Was good to finally get my groove on again!! Then it was home time. They offered to have me stay at their apartment but I knew it would be hard enuf getting up in the morning without having to walk back. And then feeding the dogs...

They insisted on ordering me a cab even though I couldn't afford it, and said they'd pay for it. So we waited. And waited. It took forever so I went to walk off, but was stopped because apparently if the person leaves, the cab then charges the place that booked it the fare. But then it was too long, and I called it quits. As I walked off, of course, the cab came and I found out it was $15. By this stage I'd said goodbye to the girls so I would've had to pay that - and the ride is about 2 mins!! See ya later! Then he followed me and told me to get in, he'd give me the ride for free. Sweet.

Drunken pasta and some playing with the cat, then bed. Unsurprisingly, I slept pretty soundly. Not sure if there was another earthquake, I wouldn't have woken. In the morning, found a cat sleeping on my bag - where did she?? oh that's right - crap strewn everywhere. Ahh, another successful night on the lash.