Thursday 16 September 2010

When you realise your stallion is actually just dog meat

My diversion to Budapest has so far yielded less than desirable results. Not only have I not been treated to the special cuddles I was so looking forward to, but I have almost been assaulted by said man's friend.

Let me start from the beginning. After getting some sleep and managing to withdraw money, I spent pretty much the whole day on the internet doing bits n pieces I hadn't had a chance to over the past couple of weeks. Having been cooped in the house the whole day and getting only glimpses of my friend as he went from errand to errand, I eventually decided to get some wine for us (he agreed to drinking it last that night with me) and of course the 5 minutes I chose to go to the shops was the exact time he came back to the house. Not getting in, he went elsewhere.

So I'm getting more and more bored as I drink myself to oblivion, saved only by his mate that comes round to get something and stays for a chat. Eventually, he gets home, completely stoned off his nut, hardly even notices I'm there, so I stuck around for a little bit then bailed to bed. What was the point in staying up??

I am awoken at some ghastly hour of the morning by not my mate, but his FRIEND climbing into bed with me. Once I realise it's not in fact my mate, I jump out of bed, all dazed n confused n fuzzy from the grog, and yell and scream at him until he finally gets the picture and leaves. I notice he takes the keys with him, to deliver back to C, so I wonder if this was all pre-arranged or a sneaky act on his friend's behalf.

Finally C gets home ("I do have a gf you know" - what a charmer), I try to explain what happened and his first reaction? I'm pretty sure you were flirting with him and gave him that impression. Thanks. No, really, thanks for your support. I said it was neither here nor there whether I was (innocently) flirting with his mate - most likely to try and get some kind of response from his stoned ass in the corner - more the fact that his mate had such low moral standing to try it on with a girl he knew had come to Budapest just to see his friend. Tired of arguing with a brick wall, I fell asleep.

Another little treat came in the morning, when at some stage I was roused by C's hand pushing my head towards his crutch. Now I'm not entirely sure what school of ho he thinks I attended at some point in my life, but this is not cool. Especially when my refusal to perform such acts is met with a swift turn of the back and continued sleeping. Way to make me feel loved. And about 16 years old again. It's like he channeled all those fuckwits I hung with during high school that made me hate men for so long. Good work though, it was quite a stunningly accurate portrayal.

I've now checked myself into a hostel for the last 2 nights of my stay here. I have no intention to be put in that situation again and also no desire to see his friend ever again. Particularly when I am certain they'll be on the same team about the whole thing.

It's so disappointing that this guy, who was so lovely and generous last time we met, and who had expressed a specific desire to see and hang out with me this time around, ended up being this way. Oh well, I'm just so glad I'm outta there - the knot in my stomach is starting to unwind finally...

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