Wednesday 22 September 2010

Aussie Convicts vs. Conservative Germans

I spent my day yesterday first with a boozy lunch with B and a very pregnant C in town and then straight to a boozy dinner with some others back eastside. Funny instance happened after we left drinks to head to the curry place. One of my mates said she didn't want to deal with the hustle of the curry places and I, sufficiently swollen with drunken confidence, said it was no problem.

Now for those of you that don't know, if you EVER go to curry on Brick Lane, you must not walk in the door without first bargaining for at least 1 round of drinks or a bottle of wine (or several, depending on your group size), 20-25% off the entire bill, free papadum entree and if you want to be cheeky, no service charge. Just to kick them right in the balls. But hey, don't think I'm evil, most of these places are owned by the same people and if they weren't making any money, they wouldn't still be in business right?

So anyway, it's never been like this before but last night as soon as they saw we were keen to eat, all these door guys came towards me with deals. I silenced them all and told them I wanted all the above or I wasn't interested. The first one that came back to me with 2 rounds of drinks, 30% off the bill etc I agreed to and we walked in. 2 rounds of drinks and dinner later, just over £10. Illegal huh.

Having run into the housemate of B, who I'm staying with at the moment, and his German friend, we decided to keep drinking and somehow ended up convincing his quite conservative friend that the reason he was given a glass to drink outside was that he looked respectable, and he should definitely take advantage of their stupidity. Minutes later, I was devising a plan to get his half-empty glass out of the bar without suspicion and back to the house. Seems you really can't take the convict out of an Australian. Got home after a pitstop at a pub with a pool table (useless player that I am) and realised the glass was actually plastic. Still. It was a good plan.

Came home to start up 2 equally ridiculous banters with A on facebook, which I held up quite well considering my boozy state, and have entertained myself endlessly by re-reading it today. I'm glad every else can also see me get ripped on the social platform.

Now I'm all packed up and ready for my next adventure... the next 24 hours will indeed be interesting. Stay tuned...

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