Tuesday 7 September 2010

Potentially Attractive Australian Girl

So I finally made it to my new village of Idicel (only just, after having to bang on the train door as it pulled out of Reghin station because they didn't hear me cry that I had to get off - luckily they stopped again, the impatient cunts), and it's already quite a different experience to Halmeag. While the village itself is more affluent than Halmeag (they have FENCES here!!), the actual property I'm on is owned by possibly the most penny-pinching people I've EVER met. Now I don't mean this in a derogatory way but I have never had to go to 3 supermarkets in one sitting before just to save a few ban. And I'm talking ban, not lei, as in the smaller denomination below lei.

But I digress... back to the trip from Reghin station. I got in an hour late and they were there waiting - an English man and Romanian women. Both seemed lovely so I jumped in the back of their beat up Truvant (ie shitbox) and headed down possibly the most potholed road in the history of the world. And I've just spent 6 weeks in Halmeag. On the way we were chatting away, and I am told "I'm lucky" because the other helper boys have spent days speculating whether I'm a hot Australian or an ugly Australian - after first getting over the disappointment that I was arriving sans Swedish girls. They'd been contacted by these guys too on the same site but decided against coming because there is just one horse and it would've been boring, as well as probably not just horse work but fruit picking, hay baling etc.

Anyway, these guys had seen my pics on Help X but couldn't see my face properly apparently so they'd nicknamed me "Potentially Attractive Australian Girl". I'm sorry, how again was I "lucky" to be met with such expectations the first time I enter this house, I thought to myself as I sat stinking of horse poo and dog in the back seat. I was a goner. So after 2 nights with them and one night out at the pub (more on that later), I am pretty sure I haven't met their expectations. Oh well. One has a gf and although he's nice, he's English and really reminds me of Sam from Lord of the Rings. The other is kinda cute but has a bit of that American attitude I don't really like in a guy, although as friends they're both fine. So I guess we're all in silent agreement on the topic. However, give me 6 weeks here and you never know... I get ever so bored.

The first night I was pretty tired so went to bed soon after a bite to eat (had forgotten to buy food before the train ride and there was none on board) - vegetarian though, another big difference to Halmeag! The next day I met Gina, the mare I was meant to work with. Turns out she isn't a wild, crazy thing but just cheeky and untrained. If she can get away with something, she'll do it. Like most cheeky mares. A has done a great job, considering her lack of experience, in training her so far and I think there is lots of potential to use her as a cart horse as I'm not sure who would ride her since no one here can actually ride and I feel too big to jump on her. She's probably only 13 hands. And just 3 years old. Was thinking of getting one of the gypsy boys to jump on sans saddle (they don't have one) just to get her used to the sensation. But we'll see.

I feel I've got the cushiest job here, with the other helpers going out to pick and peel fruit all day and me bandying around with horses. But hey, that's what I was asked here to do so.... I help A with the cooking too, which I don't mind, and anything else she needs but she does a lot herself so hasn't asked me for much yet. Such a difference to Halmeag, I feel so lazy!!

One thing, though, which does get on my nerves here and that's the geezer husband. At times, he can be a self-righteous prick and his attitude to his partner does nothing to endear me to the male species. Dominating, berating, condescending... everything I'd hate in a partner, I don't know how she stands it. She's so easygoing, relaxed, kind, helpful. But whatever, it's none of my business how they run they relationship so I'll just ignore it - I just have to try and not spend too much time with him when he's in a group because that's when he starts talking condescendingly to everyone around him, thinking that makes him look good. Sadly, sadly mistaken.

But on the horsey side of things, the first day I brushed Gina, got kicked by her little shit of a foal, put a neighbours harness on her as a test and lunged her a bit. And taught A some things. So it's slow progress, but it's progress.

And back at Halmeag, Swedish lass L is already making good progress flirting with my shepherd boy - bless them, the horny little things! I'm not sure if he's technically still employed anymore and I know she's being sly with the boss etc, so not sure how it's gonna work but best of luck to them - 2 year age gap is certainly more appropriate than 8. Eek!

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