Monday 13 September 2010

Romanian dance-offs and boozy Sundays

My weekend was pretty good, considering I finally got to go out discothequing with some of the locals in Targu Mures. The previous night, my favourite little boy promised to come and pick us up although considering he'd made the same promise the week before to the others and never showed, I didn't hold out much hope. After dinner, we were unsure how we were getting to the next village for their discotheque but thought if all else fails, we could hitchhike.

As coincidence would have it, as we were all walking out of the house to leave for the evening, we heard a BEEP BEEP and - bless his cotton socks - my favourite boy was in the driver's seat of his 8-seater van. Sweetness on a stick. So we jumped in, had a discussion about where to go and waited while he tried not to sound pissed off that we weren't in fact going to Targu Mures (the closest city to this village) and only to some lame discotheque 5 miles away. The self-righteous ass that runs this place - any of my blog readers will recognise this description - insisted it was better to go somewhere closer so we could walk home if no one was sober enuf to drive us, that we would pay through the nose to get in and for drinks, and that it would be full of wankers and boisterous security guards (moreso than the neighbouring village).

However, after looking at my choices - go with this rude, arrogant, annoying man of 40 years or the bunch of good time-loving locals we'd befriended at the local pub recently, and who insisted the drive (my fave) was sensible enuf not to drink - I decided to break away and go to Targu Mures. The American guy I've previously mentioned, who I now get along with quite well, came along. He's the local's favourite so considering they bagged him as well as a female, they were pretty chuffed.

As it happens, the club was half the price to get in as the neighbouring village, the drinks were the same price and probably better brands, the music was a funny mix of 50s-00s music with Romanian dance thrown in here n there, the place was packed and the crowd was also quite entertaining - from girls of probably about 15 (they're allowed in but no drinking for under 18s) with packed-on makeup etc to built guys with attitude problems. Pretty much standard actually.

We had a good boogie to Guns n Roses and Grease, particularly with one of the guys who kept telling me I was beautiful as I warded him off with one hand and held my beer with the other. He was funny though, good value. The American scored with a pretty Romanian girl and I had no luck with my fave, who by this stage was so bored and miserable without alcohol that he called it a night. When everyone finally made it back to the car I jumped in the front seat, got one kiss out of the boy and we drove home.

Then it was Sunday, rest day. Well... it turned out to be restful for everything except the liver, which was given a good belting from lunchtime when we visited the illegal distillery up the road from the house. They were making sweka (I think??), another version of palinka, another version of rakiyo etc. Anyway, it's hard shit. And makes you a bit woooooooo after a few shots.

But, given we'd spent the morning up at the orchard having a shepherd picnic as we watched the horses graze, we were nicely relaxed to get on with the important bits. Half-baked, we attached Gina to the cart and her foal ran alongside as she got used the feeling of being on the road, the cart etc, and their 2 big, burly mares carried about 8 of us (including an extremely drunk driver who kept falling asleep and a 50+ year old woman with biceps bigger than most of the guys I know). The horse did really well actually so I'm confident she'll also do well with the cart.

We lost the others to the pub and then that funny boy's house to drink more sweka and when we were called to say they were back in our village at the pub, I headed down to check out the damage. It was pretty funny, the host couldn't keep himself together so A pulled him away (thank god, he was dribbling that much shit...) and we had a couple more beers before heading back for dinner. Afterwards, the American and I went back for some pool and beer but I was just not feeling it. Maybe the extremely drunk old men annoying me had something to do with it.

So we headed back and I to my bed (I have a proper one now, instead of the floor yay!). I've decided to leave tomorrow, I have no interest in dealing with this asshole anymore and I have given A a good start with Gina so now it's up to her. I wish I could just spend a few days here with her and the others though, without him. Arrrghhh he annoys me!!

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