Friday 10 September 2010

Truvant proves its worth (nothing)

The most interesting thing that's happened in the last few days was the pub and party that followed we went to, perhaps which was entirely created for us, with a bunch of underage kids with nothing better to do. First, we started at the pub playing pool with them, then once that closed they told me to jump in a car and go to a party. So I grabbed the boys and we all piled into car after car to drive (drunk of course) up the road about 500m.

I still don't really know whose house it was or indeed whose alcohol I was drinking, however it was quite entertaining, particularly when the home-brewed palinka (although apparently you don't call it that here) came out. A few swigs of that and I had reached my limit - I asked to lie down somewhere (I'm getting old) and after shooing off a guy who came to sit (or hopefully lie) with me, I went to close my eyes. Next thing I knew I was being whisked into another car with the annoying, shirtless brut of a boy winking at me from the steering wheel. Not knowing what exactly was happening, I protested but then all the girls at the party (about 3) jumped in with me so I felt a little more safe.

The next day, slightly foggy, me and the 2 boys piled into the back of the Truvant (a hard task considering the American is about 10 ft tall). After a little while, we started to notice a particularly carbon monoxide-like smell and soon after, realised the exhaust pipe was dragging under the bottom of the car. So we jumped out and aired ourselves in the rain, already poisoned and more hungover than before, and eventually had to get the local bus to Reghin.

Today the boys are off trying to repair the shitbox which has given me and A some down time. I really like her, we get along well and she is so lovely. She showed me photos of her when she was younger, not that she's old now (just over 40) and she looked like she could've been a classy Romanian film star. Shame she gets to berated by the asshole she's with sometimes. Saying that, I've had a few more good moments with him and I guess we get along cos he realises I have a good head on my shoulders. Just wish he'd have the same faith in the one he loves.

Their builder has a nephew with a carriage he wants to sell, so unless he gets drunk he'll be taking it over here and showing us. If he has a harness small enuf, we could attach it to Gina and test her out the back. She was a little shit today, biting and kicking when she could. But we'll soon beat that out of her - kidding!

Looking up bus routes now, super fun... trying to get the route from Reghin - Budapest which A says does exist. But unless it's a train, any online information is hard to find! Only a few more days, though, and I'm back in Hungary - yay! I think I'll go visit that English school and have a chat with them about the details. I'm confused about what they say they pay because it seems very good... Anyway, I digress. Must stop writing and focus on less shiny but much more important matters at hand... or in the belly ;)

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