Thursday 2 September 2010

Counting down til moving on

I can definitely feel each day wear on since I made the decision to leave on Sunday. The dampness of the boss' moods at times only increases the general dampness of the weather and my own mood. I feel like riding all day in the cold, windy rain just to escape the house. I'm sure it's really not as bad as I think but with the thought of impending departure rapidly circulating my head, it's not hard to find myself at this juncture.

Also, should I have stayed on, something would have definitely developed more noticeably with the shepherd boy and while he is lovely, he is a gypsy and the head honchos here don't seem to like going down on their level (ie the Swedish girls were told not to let them touch them - I still haven't been given that talk). On top of that, we're told he's getting fired on Monday so I'd have found it hard to still see him anyway. And deep down, I know it's not a good thing to get involved with him. I am so terribly bored though.

I've given myself a new project in the most nervous horse here, Lily. She has a pretty little face but is kinda mental and as such, has not been ridden much at all. I'm told her specialty is rearing. Awesome. Yesterday we put the saddle on her and the shepherd boy had a spin, but we quickly realised his method of riding only made her worse so we stopped it until the next day. I had been on 2 rides, both without saddle because I am lazy (and I just HAD to try Myastoza's wither-less spine!), so I was fine to wait for the next day.

Today is the next day and so I rode her, bucks n all. She calmed down a little after an initial freak-out and only bucked once more out of nowhere, but we took it slow and I managed to stay on. I wore a helmet though. Finally, a challenge!!

I stole a couple of kisses with the shepherd boy today. He's been coming to help out at the homestead (wonder why) so it's always a little thrill to flirt behind the scenes. Well, it's pretty obvious to most of us but hopefully not to the boss and his wife. Does make my day a little brighter though, and he looked very cute today all rugged up. Bless.

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