Sunday 19 September 2010

First 24 hours in London... hectic!

It's been an interesting first 24 hours back in my old stomping ground of London. First, it was a mad rush trying to get ready and into town to meet people, without a UK number, and with the combined organisational intelligence of a pea with my other usually organised friend Z1... needless to say, it was hectic times.

Finally made it into a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, had dinner and drinks, warbled over to the tube and headed south. Now south is not somewhere I usually frequent but this time, on a friend's suggestion, I thought I'd give it a go. Though, in hindsight, I'm not sure why I'd throw myself to the black lions having recently been so dismayed at them. But I like to make things complicated innit.

So I take my girls (Z1 and Z2) to Hootanany and have a boogie to the Latina band playing, before getting that old familiar 'I've had a few beers, time to pick up' feeling. Cue Pink Panther music in background and I stalked my prey. This morning woke up, fully clothed mind you, on a fold-out futon next to a cute Mexican skater who was a tattoo artist back home. Shazam. Pretty sure I did my old trick of passing out as soon as my head hit the pillow though. Gotta keep up the class.

You taking notes yet??

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