Friday 3 September 2010

A dog pissed on my hand today

Yes, a dog did piss on my hand today. But it didn't meant to. Still, it was piss and it was my hand. Simultaneous action that should never be simultaneous. Regardless, I'm sure it would apologise if it could but the fact I was trying to untangle it from its ken at the time is somewhat frustrating.

Moving on, today was a good day. Mainly because once the boss and his wife left with L to go to Brasov for the dentist, I breathed a sigh of relief, kissed the shepherd boy and went out riding with E. We were both on youngsters so it was a test of training for all of us, and nothing went wrong so that was good.

We then went to Fagaras to get some photos developed, the store of which by chance was next to a beauty salon so I gave myself some much-needed attention, then went grocery shopping and home. Funniest thing about the salon was, while at home I'm used to phones turned off, calm meditation music in the background, soft lighting etc, here they've got Eurotrash Hits 2010 playing (with some Paris Hilton thrown in, yeah you forgot she made music didn't you) and her phone is going off all the time (she answers it too)... not the most relaxing environment.

But anyway, we strode through the town of people staring at us (nothing new) and gypo brats trying to get money out of us (stopping soon after we yelled at them to go away in Romanian), and went home to make dinner.

We've made dinner now, the clock is striking 11pm and they're still not home. I knew they'd be late but this late? We're falling asleep here! But the meal should be good, even by masterchef B's standards. Better than last night's haha what a failure! I don't care though... you won some, lose some eh... The shepherd boy (not much of a shepherd boy since he's always here helping and not guarding any horses) stayed after hours to sit and chill, mildly talk since we're on very basic Romanian levels, and look lovingly into my eyes haha... nah, but it was nice to sit with him.

He is such a sweet lad. I gave him a few photo printouts of him and I, and him on the stallion, and he was so touched (the other photos I got were of us girls and the boss n his wife, and their now dead cat Bunka). I doubt he'll ever own a camera, printer or horse (maybe a horse) and I caught him showing the other gypsy workers after, he was so happy. Then I showed him the video of me burlesque dancing and he was again speechless. Not sure he knows what he's gotten himself into here. Haha... they never do.

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