Wednesday 28 July 2010

Full moon and howling wolfs... I'm kidding, right?

The first day I arrived in Romania, I remember us joking about werewolves, me thinking wolves were far extinct in most areas of the world, and H then saying, "What until there's a full moon and the dogs start howling back to them." I thought that was pretty funny. Until last night. All by myself at the homestead, I'm sitting in the living room and the dogs start getting all funny and restless. One is jumping up on me then running in circles and yelping, trying to get my attention for something. I'm a little weirded out. Then, all at once, they start howling and I hear a distant howl from the forest from no doubt a wolf. Eeeeeeek.

That night I made sure I had Sasha and Bertus with me, and the walk across the road was not nearly as scary as I've thought it'd be.

Now I've polished off another breakfast - smoked salmon this time, oh sammy how I missed you - google translated my way to ask the gypsy housemaid to remove the smelly little thing from dead mouse corner, can't find my fly swatter (tragedy) so flies are pooing all over my computer screen. Mother fuckers. I'm going to have another look. Ahh, there it is. Hanging up. Right in front of me. Victory is MINE!

Oh, also I forgot to mention I saw a dead fawn yesterday on my morning ride. Poor little thing. Well, it might've just been resting. In a really awkward position. In the pouring rain. By itself. By the river. Pretty sure it was dead. Thought momentarily about checking if I could help it then thought, no it's actually probably just been killed by a wolf and then I came along, so if said wolf was hiding waiting for me to leave, it would probably get a little pissed that I was tending to its prey. I was scared enuf for the foal with me as it was.

Today I'll have a morning ride and then maybe try to tame this young horse in the yard.


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