Monday 26 July 2010

Storms, guests and stallions...

The last 2 days have seen the arrival of Merlelor's first guests since I've been here - 2 Dutch guys, not friends but just happened to both be teachers from the same town. Small world! Sat they arrived and as my last blog details, it was a case of a lot of waiting around that day. The unannounced guests I mentioned ended up leaving about 5 mins before H returned with his guest, but them's the breaks hey.

At least we ended up with a roof over our heads because it stormed that night - a beautiful storm, actually, with bolts of lightning cascading through the faintly pink-tinted skies. Like poetry it was. Shame all I could do was 'ooh' and 'aah' from the car window (which I'd broken only mins before, lucky it didn't actually rain while I was in there), since I was driving with a Romanian-speaking gypsy to the local train station. I was also a little tipsy and really hypo from not doing much until the last 20 mins of the day. And also I get excited with new people. Like a child.

So I entertained myself by chatting non-stop to the weary Dutch guests and sank a few drinks, then hopped off to bed across the rd where one of my fave dogs, Rover, is now staying. I let him stay in my room for the night, he was quite well behaved once he realised the single bed was not for sharing, but became restless early morning and I was worried he would piss on my clothes in impatience... or, perhaps worse, make fleas permanent residents in my room. On top of that, waking to a cold, wet nose sniffing my ass is not the best alarm clock I've ever had. He stays in his kennel now.

Next day was first day of trails for the guests. It was good because H knew where he was going and, although I led because he was on a stallion at the back of the pack, I at least knew he had a destination in mind. We went to a neighbouring village and then back after a rest. More locals stared at me/us. Must be my hair. Or my incredibly irresistible style. Probably that actually.

Starting to wear a little thin with the guests (already!), not quite sure what to make of one of them and was a little unnerved when he asked if there was a boyfriend waiting somewhere for me (why ask??? a little personal I think). Also he's in that in-between stage of riding, where he thinks he can ride but he can just stay on the horse and has no control. The other one is so ghostly white it almost scares me and also has an unusual personality, a bit more sure of himself here because it's about the 5th time he's visited. But he got given my fave horse, Goody, and was a little too rough on him I think. He came off on the first canter (hehe) and after a day of riding, said he was keen to try another horse the next day. Ha!

Now I'm all by my lonesome, bar the gypsies, because they've gone off on a 5-day trek and one of us had to stay behind. I suggested 2 stay behind but the idea was rejected. Not sure why they need 3 guides for 2 guests but anyway... my knee is starting to hurt a little when I walk so I don't mind a break from all-day riding for a couple of days. Glad I don't have to deal one-on-one with weird personality guest men as well. I'm going to try and exercise one of the stallions anyway, so if you don't hear from me ever again, you'll know why. Deep breaths.

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