Thursday 22 July 2010

And she stacks it...right on her face, face, fac, fa, ffff, ff, f....

Sometimes, when life permits you a brief concession in which to think about your actions to avert crisis, you are forced to make an executive decision. How that decision is carried out, however, is entirely up to the world around you.

Yesterday, in those extra 2 seconds I was given, I made a decision. As I hung sideways from my horse that had just spooked at one of the farm dogs bounding out from a higher bank of grass, I debated which part of my body I wanted to crash-land on. Definitely not my head. That was for sure. Preferably not my shoulder. And not my back. So I'll go for the upper chest area, somewhere cosy like my boob.

As I flung myself from the saddle I made sure I was free from the stirrups so as not to be dragged along by said spooked horse. Tick. Next, my ideal crash-landing position. What I hadn't made room for was my face. And that was exactly what broke my fall. Not quite as elegant and carefree as one may have wanted it to be, but also not quite as painful as it sounds. The grass was kind to me. I just hope the nearby farm hands didn't see me. Embarro.

Now that I have imparted that particular piece of 'J Gone Wild' to humour you for the while, as I'm sure you all miss my company terribly, I'll give a wrap-up of the last few days since my last post.

There was a tiny field mouse scurrying around the living room. H said to let it be and nature would take its course. It did, 2 days later. I found it dead under one of our dinner chairs. The dogs. Aww.

I helped H worm the dogs yesterday, my many years of training with Miffy, Angie and any other dog someone wrangled me into worming flooded back. To the Swedish girls, I was a pro. Yep.

Today we went for an unintentionally long ride in the morning, over 4 hours, and I believe I'm now well acquainted with my limit for one horseride. Yes, indeedy. On top of the fact every part of my body ached and there was no alternative position I could find for my legs on the saddle to rest them, something I ate that morning or last night in Faragas at the pizza place was not going down so well. It was terrible. I was trying to canter home to get there faster but every motion was sending me further into uncomfortable sickness.

Once back, with L leading her horse due to her own sore ass, I clipped my horse in, took off the bridle, threw it down and made for the toilet. The girls thankfully unsaddled my horse on my behalf. After a rest, I'm feeling much better but I tell you, it's a short ride we've planned for this afternoon.

Flies keep fucking all around me. Must be fly mating season. Do they even have a mating season??

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