Friday 16 July 2010

In the hands of the gypsies

I think one of the gypo lads has a crush on me. That, or his incessant staring at me yesterday was a mixture of curiosity and possibly bewilderment. Not quite sure they shower that often so I think I'll steer well clear of that little situation.

It's weird, the girls don't really know what to think of me because I'm kinda equal to the boss because I am just here to exercise the horses so they still wait on me. I feel slack so I like to saddle my own horse and make some of my own food but it is nice to sit down to a pot of tea and plate of food every morning. And not have to clean up. Or wash my own clothes. Or feed the horses. Just ride. Super sweet.

It's now day 3 and I'm still really enjoying my time in Transylvania, Romania. H has started to trust me to do whatever I want, so today I went out riding solo while he went to the shops. I went for a couple of hours but it was getting stinking hot so retired about midday. The horse was about to die I swear. I would've followed soon after, but with my ultra-trendy straw cowboy hat I was pulled from the brink of heat exhaustion. I'm tempted to tape my conversations with the horse (or just ramblings to the horse) while I ride by myself, even I find it quite entertaining at times. Lucky I encounter absolutely no one else on my rides.

This morning I was awoken by scratching at my door and, holding my breath it wasn't rabid gypsies, I opened it to find 4 happy dogs bounding in to say good morning. Much nicer than an alarm!! They're so sweet. There are about 20 dogs on the property here and almost all are lovely, I'm getting to know their names and personalities. Bertis came with me today which is good cos I am a bit worried about encountering the shepherds' dogs alone.

We pick up the 2 Swedish girls on Sat, which will be good - I'll have some company and we can go swimming in the river down the rd. Also, in a couple of weeks I want to start getting the younger horses out to a flat paddock to do some ground work with them. Maybe take some of them swimming. Fun times.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favourite post thus far! What an idyllic picture you paint.

    ....erm....can I come visit?? x
