Sunday 4 July 2010

Buda has the best soup

To further expand on last night's drunken escapades... I met a nice Persian guy who was also alone, we checked out Mumus together then went to his for a not common cigarette. The Europeans love their not common cigarettes! Was pretty chilled out, I stayed for a couple of beers then headed back. Turns out C's house is about 10 mins walk from the party district. Nice. Speaking of partying, I just remembered I bought a bottle of white (for less than a pound) that I need to tuck into... un momento...

OK, that's better. So what was I saying? Ahh yes, last night was remarkably quiet and those people I did hear about the streets were largely British with a splash of Aussie. Suffice to say I wasn't too keen to socialise. So I bid my new friend adieu and went on my merry way.

Today I was expecting C home from Romania in the morning but when he didn't show by lunch I took myself off on an exploration of the city, seeing the sights I hadn't yet seen. A few hours later I found myself in Buda, the posh side of the river with amazing views and beautiful architecture. Much more imperial than Pest (and for those who are wondering, yes the city is divided by a river with 2 cities Buda and Pest). The highlight was sitting at a lush restaurant drinking yummy white wine and eating probably the most amazing cauliflower soup I'm ever likely to eat. And even being at an 'expensive' place, I still walked away having paid just over £10 for the lot. The low point was finding out I just missed this fantastic horse show that only runs over the weekend ( Poo.

Oh, and watching the Eastern European chicks rock Super Skank Chic and try to negotiate the cobble stone footpaths and steep stairs before striking a sexy pose at every opportunity. Not sure if that was a high point or low.

So now I'm just chillin out, putting my sore feet up and waiting for a) C to get home, b) F to msg me for a drink, c) go out by myself or d) to get too tired to do anything.

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