Monday 20 June 2011

Both sides of the slutty coin

Friday and we´re back in La Paz. The fumes, the noise, the hecticness - yep, we´re back in the big city. Not entirely the environment I wanted after such a relaxing few days but it had to be done. And it`s Friday after all, the clubs would simply be empty without us!

Speaking of which, it was the bday of a girl who worked at the bar we frequent so we were all getting excited for that. Having to get several forms of transport back from Isla del Sol then Copacabana meant we didn`t arrive til the afternoon, at which time we promptly faffed around until I finally made it into a shower (none on Isla del Sol because I was scared of the bathroom), and primped myself up for a night on the town.

Not that I knew what a night this would end up being.

We started the drinking at the local gringo haunts, and R the English guy from one of them was on his last night so coming out as well. This was gonna be big. A group of about 15 of us tried for one club and were refused because not everyone had ID, so we just went to the one next door which served mixed drinks in this hideously long cannister with its own pourer. That got us well on the way.

At one point, I realised one of the cutie Bolivian girls was giving me a little more attention than I was used to, and despite her being totally straight I was feeling a certain familiar vibe from her which meant I could have a somewhat more interesting night if I played my cards right. And that I did. Short time later, we were making out on the dancefloor and then she was by my side every moment. Nice one bruvva.

When we got sick of that bar, we went to some local market-place type place where people were standing around eating kebabs sticks of cow heart and drinking litre bottles of beer. Beer hasn`t really appealed to me since I lost my moler, something about the yeasty texture isn`t really going down right, so I said no to the beer and unknowingly no to the cow heart. At the time, I didn`t want to eat anything and they were asking me in Spanish so it was pure luck I said no. Hideous.

Last stop for the night was M`s place, from another bar, which we crash-packed into one taxi after another (and piled into the taxis too, always too many for the seats they had but who knows, when in La Paz...), and I didn`t waste any time finding the spare room. Bada bing bada bam. Haha...

Coming back into the main room, everyone reacted appropriately of course and we were thrown into some random drinking game of no hands, all mouth with a hideous concoction of rum and coke or something.

Next thing I knew I was trying to convince English boy not to go home, instead to "show him the spare room he could sleep in". Sigh. How do I find myself in these predicaments?? Said predicament, however, turned out rather swell and I enjoyed the end of my night swimmingly (although looking over my shoulder the whole time fearing a crazy, newly-lesbian Boliviana coming crashing through the door.) Another English guy bites the dust, eh. What is it about them...

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