Friday 17 June 2011

The Accusation.

In the morning, there was still no sign of M. K came in to see if I was ready and I started telling him I was sick of M’s drama and I had no idea where he went – in fact, if he was going to keep bringing drama with him wherever he went, I would be happy not having him in Copacabana with us. Then I hear his voice from the room NEXT DOOR, and he’s all in a huff. Pretty much grunts when I ask him about leaving the room open while I slept, and walked out of the hostel. Hmmm.

K and I went to a nearby place for breakfast and I see M waiting on the other side of the road. So I go over to ask him where he’s going. Short conversation later and I start to realise he didn’t lock himself in another room to avoid the cleaning staff, but to avoid ME. Yep, he blatantly accused me of stealing his cap and money. “There was a small moment when you were in the room without me…” etc etc.

For STARTERS, there was no such moment in my memory REGARDLESS of the fact I would NEVER steal from a friend, despite how long I have known them. To have that seed of doubt planted in his brain made me so, so sad. Is that really how I come across to people?? Do I really look like the type to betray someone like that?? Also, the same fucking thing had happened to me just 2 nights before at the club, so why would I purposely inflict the same pain on someone else?? We are all in the same moneyless boat here…

So I reassured him there was no way he was right, and he said I would have to be pretty stone-cold to be able to look someone in the eye and say that with such conviction. I basically told him I didn’t care whether he thought I was stone-cold or not, I was telling the truth and it was up to him to make his own decision about me. However, if he was going to come with us and still treat me like a thief, I would prefer him not joining us. Although in the end it was his choice. And with that I walked away, because I did not want him to see me cry.

I was pretty upset for a while there, all through the extended breakfast we were forced to take by the slow, shitty breakfast place we’d chosen… and then finally on the bus to Copacabana, I started to cheer up. The thought of being in such a beautiful place – Isla del Sol as well – couldn’t help but take over my dark mood. I just wanted to stay away from The Accuser. For a little while. In fact, I didn’t even want to join in conversation with him… by this stage I was just ANGRY at being accused!

We got to Copacabana (of the Bolivian variety) about 4 hours later - including a short ride on a boat across Lake Titicaca while the boat was rowed across on a barge - and went about finding accommodation. We had befriended 3 more Aussies by this stage, so the group of 8 of us walked into a hostel and confidently got a group discount. The place was nice and it ended up being one of the nicest sleeps I had had in ages. Of course it helped that I was blind drunk when my head hit the pillow.

Said drunkenness occurred thanks to a cheeky little Chilean who persuaded us to drink in his bar down the road... and before we knew it, we were all drunk monkeys on 2 for 1 cocktails. Dammit. I owned the dancefloor (considering no one else wanted it) and me and the Chilean danced up a storm, him slowly falling for my culo grande, and me enjoying the attention.

Then the cops came in. So I danced with them too. They were hilarious. Then I found out they were student cops that basically just strolled the streets checking out chicks. Haha... classic. Well, I felt safe.

At one point, my fave artesan came into the bar and I decided I wanted to go to my hotel room with him. However, when I got back I realised I was indeed too drunk for that kind of behaviour and so swiftly threw him out, complaining of a bad stomach. Haha... poor thing. But let's be honest... I would have been shit in the sack.

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