Sunday 5 June 2011

San Lorenzo - Salta - Bolivia

Day 2 in San Lorenzo and I was feeling a great deal more relaxed. I woke up to find L still at home, doing work on the computer (she is also an Editor of a magazine, amongst other things). Soon enuf I had distracted her to the point of coming downstairs to cook pancakes, play with her pois, get out her hoola hoop and twirling sticks (can`t remember the proper name), and dance around the living room. Good times.

We were talking about Burning Man in the States... she is going again, for the third time. I HAVE to get there one day!! I was trying, with mixed results, to use the hoop but fuck me dead, it really stresses your stomach muscles! And that, combined with me laughing, has given me sore stomach muscles for almost a week after. Hijo de puta.

When L went off for a siesta, I finally got myself out into the great outdoors, although the path I chose didn`t really go anywhere and I felt awkward not knowing whose land I was actually on. At least the dog didn`t try to kill anything this time. Well, not that I saw, anyway.

We bummed around for most of the day, with L promising she would go into town and so I could come with her instead of on the bus. But in the end, she didn`t so I jumped on the bus. No dramas. It was a quick ride into town and I bounced off to the hostel, full of excitement because I was going on an overnight horse trek for free the next day.

Back at the hostel, I called the horseriding girl and we arranged for me to come the next morning to her little village for what had now become a 3 day trek. Woot!! Super excited. So I bummed around on the computer for a little bit and cooked dinner... only to be interrupted by another call from R... bad news, the ride was now cancelled. I don`t know what happened but I was mega bummed :(

So that was it. I had no reason to stay any more time in such an expensive town, no matter how much I liked it, so I got my things and left for Bolivia on the midnight train. Salta done and dusted, onto bigger and better things. And cheaper. That was probably the most important part.

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