Friday 10 February 2012

Rock n roll on the water

I woke to my alarm, my body clearly needing a little more sleep than I was permitting (no rest for the wicked as the clock ticks!!), and excited myself by remembering it was finally the day I was to do the Rock n Roll boat excursion with E. The excursion I had been trying to do for weeks, possibly even months.

Friday's ride had been cancelled due to lack of numbers, so I rescheduled for Tuesday, but given the unreliable track record of the booking agency, I was fully expecting them to cock it up once I arrived. In fact, I'd already worked myself up by the time I'd gotten to their office that I was pleasantly surprised to find they actually had me booked in. Albeit under a different name, but still I was there.

E hadn't arrived and soon after I received a frantic call from her saying she was stuck in traffic as the bridge had opened to let some boats through. She made good time, however, and we didn't delay the 10am start. Even better, I found a pretty beaded anklet on the ground whilst talking to her and it fits perfectly! Bueno.

So we were set to go. E hopped in the front of the boat for the first part, her having her boating license and me wanting to watch how it all worked before trying it myself. The guide explained us simply how to use the dinghy/jet ski type boat, it seemed easy enuf, and we went roaring around "trying it out". The guide didn't seem perturbed that we were going fast or tearing around the corners, so we did it until he got into his "mothership" and commenced the tour.

The ride out to Creole Rock took us through Simpson Bay lagoon and into the French side, bringing with it beautiful views of the island from the water. The change in scenery once you're over the French side really is striking, the buildings disappearing to make way for more lush and vibrant greenery. The water was at times quite choppy and E had to steer with both arms to ensure we didn't topple over.

At Creole rock, a protected marine reserve, there was plenty to see - in fact, as we sat bobbing around trying to secure our masks I saw something large glide below E's feet. I pointed and we stuck our heads under just in time to catch a big, black sting ray with white spots. Never seen one of them before! Otherwise, we just saw some beautifully coloured fish roaming around and some nice coral.

We made sure to document the experience on my camera, gladly so as we ended up getting some great photos. Us looking completely stupid, but what's new huh?? Only thing that annoyed me was my mask while snorkelling, it just wouldn't stop leaking! I tried everything but maybe it was just faulty. I thought of asking the guide to help, but I didn't want to distract him from his BBM conversation. At it was, the water got cold when the sun disappeared behind some clouds and the wind continued to blow, so us and the other couple on the trip called time.

Then it was my turn to drive back... oh yeah! I rode those waves like a mother, no turning back. It was so much fun, much easier than I expected but it felt rougher on the way back - maybe my driving was just rougher? I know one thing - I tailgated the fuck outta the guide, wonder if I got on his nerves. Reminds me of the people that tailgate me on trails. Ha!

At the end, we gave a tip (not much but something, locals don't usually tip me!) and I mentioned that I knew L. The guide said he already knew who I was and remembered the time L and I came by to get beers, and also quoted some other places he'd seen me on the island. It's creepy when people do that here.

After the ride, E and I had a nice lunch on the balcony of this little cafe (ribs for me! Rah rah rah!!) and then she drove me home, having to go get her boss from the airport. I didn't really know what else to do, and I couldn't even do my washing as the cord for the machine had gone walkabout. So I just chilled, and eventually the cord reappeared and I could get my wash on. Such is my exciting life these days.

N had invited me to La Bamba, and I'd casually said yes, but then I got an interview for the travel agent job in Melbourne and it ended up translating to about 7pm my time on Tuesday night. So I went to Pineapple Pete's to make the Skype call (straining my ears to hear between Lady GaGa in the background, how very professional) and it went well, the recruitment guy sending me through to the next level which includes an online aptitude test and then an invitation to the assessment day which falls the day after I arrive in Melbourne - perfect!

So things are falling into place nicely...

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