Wednesday 8 February 2012

Feelin' the "ron"...

Like Sunday, I arrived to work with no booked rides but a little more optimism, as Mondays traditionally attract more walk-ins than a Sunday. As it was, the day only offered us one ride, which I took. It was a family of 3 from Canada, a lovely bunch actually. Canadians pretty much are always great to take on rides. And WHAT a contrast with the Indian brat I took yesterday!! Can't even begin to compare. This girl was such a little sweetie!

They enjoyed themselves thoroughly and I wasn't surprised when they tipped me. OK, I officially don't judge Canadians for not tipping anymore! And they are certainly more grateful of the experience than a lot of other countries I've had - including Australians. So that broke my day up a little, otherwise it was just the daily chores which was fine. At least we could be out on time today.

Or... maybe not.

Thanks to a kid's birthday party in the afternoon, we had pony rides. And I'm not talking 1 or 2, about 15! As soon as I saw all the eager kids, I sent for 2 more horses. More help!! They were mostly nice kids, some too big for me to even lift up (I got one boy to use the "grown-up" method of putting his foot in the stirrup and hoisting himself up - ha!) but all screaming at me I'M NEXT I'M NEXT I'M NEXT! Jeeeeeeesus... talk to the woman in charge, I'm not entering into this.

Of course, they started the rides about 4pm so it meant we had to stop feeding the horses and attend to the kiddies. And then it was more overtime. The boss must be loving this! Everything on the island takes so long and no one can be bothered to get their asses over here til the afternoon - doesn't make it so profitable for a business like ours!

The party also meant my laptop battery was run completely flat, as I volunteered my machine to play music through the speakers and the kids could do some kind of hideous Miley Cyrus karaoke. I told them only to use it for that half-hour, but they used it until it died and I then had no way of contacting A after work to see how the move went (we've got the house - officially!). To me, one code of conduct when using someone's electronic device is not to run it dead. Maybe it's just me...

I had Tuesday off, but was still not keen on going out drinking as I had the Rock n Roll tour to do the next day (well, I was hoping... still had a sneaking suspicion they'd cock up the reservation somehow and say we weren't in the books). So as soon as I'd finished my pina colada at work, I hot-footed it out of there and away from the kids to chill at home.

After that drink, I had a severe hankering for something sweet and alcoholic, and beer wasn't going to cut it, so I looked in the supermarkets for something like rum punch but ended up going down to the Chinese cornerstore for some cheap "ron" (I think I remember that was rum in Spanish??) and apple nectar juice. Wasn't really what I had anticipated (I guess cheap means cheap) and I opted for juice only in the last champagne glass (I use champagne glasses cos that's all they have in the communal kitchen cupboard - hell no am I buying my own when I'm about to leave!).

So it was back to me, my bed and my Bob Marley biography. Which is almost finished. As am I. Here. I've even got a job interview scheduled for Tuesday night for the travel agent job I applied for in Melbourne. Well, it sounds like the first of a step of interviews, really, but it's a good start.

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