Sunday 19 February 2012

Markets cure my Valentines blues

Finally the rain fell today, thankfully not too much and it cleared to be a beautiful day once again. But it wet the earth and filled the tanks, if only a portion. I had 3 rides for the day, there were to be only 3 guides because my rasta workmate was still sick, but then he turned up so he was to do the first big ride with us then go. Fast forward to 3pm and he's just leaving - longest 1-hour ride I ever seen!

When he came in and I announced I was riding Tornado that day, he started bitching, "Can't I just ride him for my one ride and you can ride Chico?" No, I want to ride Tornado because I know it'll be the last time and he is a dream to ride. Which is why I had to fight for him. I didn't relent and so it was that I rode Tornado all day... in the end, not necessarily the best decision.

I have ridden Tornado into the sea before and he never seemed to have a problem, but on this day the sea was the roughest I'd seen since working at Seaside and therefore it was the day I discovered Tornado doesn't like swimming. So, in his efforts to get me off his back, he managed to BUCK in the water (quite a feat), rocking back n forth, rearing, splashing about. Well, he didn't succeed, I stayed strong on board and managed to coordinate the tourists so no one got themselves into a sticky situation. One guy reared but since everything happens twice as slow in the water and he'd ridden before, that was no drama.

Got OK tips until the last ride, which ironically was the most entertaining for me, but even though they were New Yorkers, I got absolutely nothing from them. Fuck 'em, I thought, as I raced up the hill on Tornado to get the horses and cows in. I've got better things to worry about. Like hot fast I could get up the hill on this beast.

It was a glorious day to do the rounding up, I took my camera and got some beautiful pics. Tornado was, as expected, brilliant and I even managed to not get charged by the bull. That animal is gonna cause some problems being out there. He's already caused one of our quietest horses to bolt home and lose his rider. But hey, I'm about to leave so I guess that won't be my problem anymore!

So tonight was Tuesday, the night of the markets and street parade in Grand Case on the French side. N had been promising for weeks that she'd take me so I was expecting to go with her, only she had a car accident (no one was hurt) and her car was a bit worse for wear. Glad she was OK, I was also a bit annoyed because this is exactly why I didn't want to leave it til the last week. I called up La and she was fine to come, although now she's sold her car we had to bus it in. Which was 2 buses, and a taxi home.

On our quasi "Valentines Day" date (ha!), we cruised the streets of Grand Case looking at handicrafts and things from street vendors, sipping a beer and quietly chuckling at some of the ladies dressed to the nines in high platform stilettos, loads of make-up and super-tight minidresses, hair all up in a shiny weave. Their problem - they'll have to maintain that standard for whichever guy they get - I feel sorry for them. Give me my fisherman pants and old t-shirt any day!

I found a nice handmade bowl for my boss and his wife as a thank-you gift, I do appreciate how nice they've been to me since I got there and I honestly hope to get back to SXM one day. Also was dragged into some Guavaberry shop which also sold some chutneys etc by the owner, La's friend, who assured me what I was about to taste-test was not that hot. That shit BURNED a hole into my lips!! And they were already fucked from the sun. Yeah, you can imagine how happy I was about that! Had big blisters on them the next day.

We caught the same bus back home as we got in, only the driver had swapped from being a bus driver to a taxi driver. Not really sure how legal that is but it got us home for only $10 a pop, an we had a nice conversation with an older couple on holidays here. I was glad I went to the markets, though, and saw the Carnaval people dancing down the little street to the marching band. I so want to be one of those girls one day! Even just for a day...

I still can't believe this is my first Valentines Day where I've ever HAD a Valentine - and he's halfway across the world! Just my luck, huh.

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