Saturday 4 February 2012

The manky chicken tanty

I think I beckoned the tip gods in my sleep, because today was an unusually large tip day. More likely, we just got rich people coming in. Either way, it worked out fine for all us guides, and I pocketed more than $100 for the second time since working here. They say that used to be the norm but times have changed.

It was a good day also because I only had to do 3 rides for that amount, and they were fun rides. The best was the one with 4 gay guys and 1 woman. I was hoping they'd spread the love my way, as gay people tend to have more disposable income (from having no kids I guess??), and I was right. They loved it and rewarded me as such. Even my cruise ride tipped well!

Got to work and Polly was there, I guess she really did sleep there after her little tanty the day before. Maybe she slept in the tack room? Either way, I felt so guilty that she may not have been fed that I gave her my chicken bones when I'd cleaned them off even though I know there's a danger they could splinter in her throat...

At the end of my rides, I just had to help with feeding and we were finished bang on 5pm. The day was good! I didn't hang around work as I didn't get on the internet again and needed to see what the update was with A and all his house-hunting. Sidenote, actually... I mentioned to L the other day that A was "house-hunting" and he took it to mean he was hunting around houses for girls haha! The difference in cultures huh...

Went to Pineapple Pete's and could E online for a moment, and told her she was welcome to join me for a drink at the bar. She went offline and I didn't expect to see her, but as I was talking with A she popped up behind me and caught me off guard. I said a temporary goodbye to an impatient A, promising to be back soon, and had a catch-up with E.

Then it was back to A, talking flats and Melbourne and jobs and the boring stuf that comes with semi-settling. Urgh, even the word sends shivers down my spine! But I am actually really excited about it, it's just been a while since I've stayed in one place for more than 3 months. But it seems to be coming together slowly but surely, and I'm sure he'll have it sorted by the time I get home. Makes my job easy!

Met a torrential downpour head-on as I tried to venture out to the road home. Was actually on the phone to A as I saw it, him excitedly telling me that in the minutes since we hung up on Skype he'd heard back from the agent with the "perfect place" he'd been wanting to get. Things were looking up - at least for one of us. I hung up and stood, shivering, waiting, wishing, hoping... in the end, I just braved the lighter rain and half-run home, clutching my laptop away from the wet drops. Ah, how you curse me, tropics!

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