Sunday 19 February 2012

The day off that never was

To say I was annoyed at having to work instead of going to St Barths with La was an understatement. It also meant I was really tired and grumpy at work, and had to work with D, my least favourite guide, with none other of the guys to buffer me.

The land was drying up, having not had even a tropical rainstorm in several days. We were now attached all the hoses together and running the water from the tap at the other side of the property to ensure the horses got enuf drinking water. It was a hassle, but with those 2 horses dying from something dietary, we weren't taking any chances. As much as I bitch about the mud, I would've appreciated a little today if it meant the tanks were filled up.

My first ride was a group of Northeners, including a couple that had just wed the day before on board the cruise ship (interesting) and some of the bridal party. I was impressed at their stamina, going riding the day after (the first activity they'd booked all cruise, actually!) and being in good spirits. And they tipped me at the end! Must've still been drunk.

Got some more tips from the other rides I did, but they weren't memorable so have swiftly slipped from my mind. I found I was busy all day, but mainly because there were just 2 of us guides. I even got a 2-hour break since I started at 7am, although it was a little boring as the internet didn't want to work and I had to (gasp) make conversation with people instead!

Had a later ride so ended up being there til almost 7pm - 12 hours! - and managed to score a lift home with the lady that comes to ride her friend's private horse. Due to the time, I was dropped straight to Pineapple Pete's to check my internet, in all my workplace glory... mud on my feet, stinky horsey jodhpurs, wet, salt-stained shirt... Lucky I'm not here to impress anyone.

Got my happy hour drink, checked the internet and then vamosed to the tattooist next door but he was closed. He'd said he was opening every day these days but clearly not. One of many pieces of bullshit he'd feed me in the coming days ha! So off it was to home, to count down the days til I leave... it's getting damn close now.

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