Saturday 11 February 2012

I think I'm gonna miss this job

I'm glad I got to start at my normal 8am today, as I was a bit weary from the last two days of death I'd just had to experience. I'm one of those people who get completely drained by crying, and this was a right shitty turn of events. We still aren't completely sure what caused the horses to have such severe colic, suspect a bad batch of food, but we're just thankful the third pulled through with no noticeable side effects.

So it was a harrowing sight to see first thing in the morning the truck we use to cart around big loads drive by full of pallets to put on the pit that contained the second horse corpse we needed to burn. Burning is the best way to dispose of the bodies but it's a horrible thought. Paloma was a beautiful horse.

Onto the day's proceedings. It being a Friday, there weren't many rides booked - in fact, just one, and that strung up on me with no warning whatsoever. I thought it was a 2pm start, but they changed to 9am, and so my ambling pace in readying the horses turned to a quick saddle-up as my guests were walked up to the stables. One look at the couple and I had to saddle another more appropriate steed.

It was an odd American couple, who I'm not even sure was a couple, as I found out they lived in separate states, but the half-black guy had a strange facial make-up and brought with him goggles for the water part (paranoid about his contacts), while the hefty black girl had a coronary every time we went down a hill, insisting the horse was "trying to mess with her". No, sweetie, you just can't ride.

I was glad when it ended, they were a bit annoying to deal with, even saying the girl had nausea at one stage because of "all the ups and downs" - later admitting she wasn't drinking much of her water and hadn't actually had breakfast. I took them the shortcut to the water so they could get the hell out of my workplace and I could get on with my day. A $10 tip later and that promptly happened.

I was given a half-hour break before doing my next ride, who were waiting while I gulped down and toastie, and I instantly knew it was going to be a much more enjoyable experience. And older American couple, the woman had experience with horses from her younger years and really enjoyed Prince, while her husband was put on the same horse as the previous annoying girl and loved it. Both those horses love the water so it was a no-brainer that they'd like the end!

In the end, the Colorado/Denver area couple gave me their email address and said to look them up if I ever found myself in their neck of the woods. And gave me a $40 tip. What sweethearts! They are certainly welcome back!

Finally booked my ticket to Saba, a nearby island that was the set of the 70s King Kong movie, for Sunday. It was good timing, actually, as La, the kid's babysitter and now my friend, said she was up for it also. So I had a friend to go with! Great news, especially when I thought I was travelling solo. I'd forgotten I'd invited her a while back. Can't wait to see the little island, it looks so quaint and pretty on the sites I researched it on. I want to hike up the mountain and see the views from "the peak of the Netherlands Kingdom."

Was in charge of feeding today, as J had an afternoon ride, and things went swimmingly. For once, I didn't lose my rocker and managed to get everything sorted bang on 5pm. Boom. Even got to feed and stroke the little foal, almost 3 weeks now (my, how time flies) and brave enuf to feed out of my hand. Oh boy, she is CUTE! I need to get some photos of the bug-eyed little creature, she is becoming quite the star at the stables. I'm told it's time to start getting her acquainted with humans so I'm on the case!

Still no word from the lady who said she'd buy my horse, and the first half of the money was due at the end of January. I had a feeling this would happen. I'm still trying to get through to her, I can just see this dragging on. I'm back in Australia in a week, for goodness sake, the woman needs to sort her shit out!

There was a jump-up planned to run from Philipsburg to Marigot (from the Dutch town centre to the French), it happens every year as part of French Carnaval, but it was called off at the last minute due to conflicts with the 2 police departments or something. I think it's been rescheduled for next month, obviously no help for me! I had planned on checking it out, even though all the locals said something bad happens every year. Last year someone got stabbed in the gut and died in the middle of the crowd.

Instead, I went to Buccaneers with E and a few kids she had under her care. They ran around the beach bonfire while we chilled with a drink, me switching from beer as my stomach was getting stabbing pains. I feel like my body is going through my period without the bleeding - weird! And it's the second month it's happened... something's confused in there.

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