Thursday 11 July 2013

Oooooh barracuda

I woke again without alarm, or an alarm to be precise, as the morning heat here seems to coincide with my plans quite nicely. I tried for another yummy breakfast here at the hotel but since no one was around, opted for "para lleva" (take away) near the snorkelling depot. Got that sorted, met my guides and hopped on a tiny boat with little to no protection for my bag from the wet. Glad about my decision to leave the slr at the hotel.

The water is so clear here, it's Whitsunday worthy, and I was excited to see what lay beneath the odd dark spot. I also found it incredible that some butterflies were able to follow us out to sea - thinking they'd just accidentally web napping on the boat, I was amazed to see them later on above my head as I was swimming in the ocean. I wonder if its a about-to-die thing like I've heard the flying near the ground thing is. Regardless, they were purrrrdy with their yellow wings...

Me and my guide, didn't catch his name - probably Julio or Fernandez - showed me around his hood. Hood being short for coral reef; the second largest in the world apparently. I bet the first is Australia. It was only me and a Dutch guy scuba diving, so I had a private tour of the reef which was quite cool. Only thing not cool was the fact I shovelled down breakfast way too fast and couldn't really handle the rocky waters for more than an hour. I did manage to shake it off when i saw some colourful fish, a barracuda and some trumpet fish which i mistook for seahorses. Still nothing on the great barrier reef, hear ye people! I was taken back to shore with the butterflies while the others finished their scuba dive. I was told it was low Season here, which may explain the bad weather and lack of muchas turistas around. Was told not to come in December January as it was hectic town. Tried to speak Spanish with them but they knew good English so it was an uphill struggle.

Afterwards, I carefully reconsidered going back to the hotel to freshen up but knowing it was the opposite direction to the town I wanted to see I just pressed on. A few kms later and I was in tulum town centre. Definitely about as interesting as my mate R had explained it to me, it was simply a long stretch with shops and restaurants all speaking broken English and competing for business. Not that I mind a bit of broken language - hell it's what I speak- but I just wish they wouldn't try. If I ignore you, it's cos don't want your shitty brick n brack. Having said that, I did buy some things for back home...

Talked to who I assume was a lesbian couple from their short haircuts and close proximity to each other, who recommended some other places with food just as cheap as the place we made acquaintance ($2 for 2 empanadas). I'm pretty sure I didn't find them but I went somewhere with cheap tacos anyway, and ate like a queen for a few dollars. I must say, the chefs in oz have done their research cos lots of this food is just like the authentic slop we're promised back home. Still don't think I'll have Mexican for some time after this trip, though.

Rode back to town on the little old bike path - not old at all actually in case you misread that one. Great for shit bike riders like me. I rode to the place to organise my transfer to cancun and only had enough for a deposit, so came back a few hours later for dinner. In between, I went back to my hotel and swan, drank and sun baked as the sun had appeared again. And lord knows I can always be pinker. Also noticed a massage table in the corner so I treated myself to one of those. Nothing like the soft unintentional exfoliation of the sand against your skin to really get the most out of your massage. And in my swim time, almost stood on a stingray or something equally as delightful. Yay to wildlife.

The place for dinner was next To the place I booked my transit, how crazy that she recommended them... It had multi-levelled viewing situation where the top platform had the perfect view of the sunset, which was slightly obscured tonight due to clouds. But I still managed to enjoy my 2 for 1 mojitos without much care in the world. Fajitas followed just to taste them in their natural habitat and then I bought another handmade stone ring that I don't need so that I'm not running on empty in terms of no cash machine nearby, thankfully I'm heading to cancun at 9 in the morning so will get to the  hotel and registration before most others flying in.

I made it through dinner with some annoying Russians next to me of whose son I thought was just rudely staring at me the while time before i realised he was looking straight through me. But they were also annoying. Did I mention that?? I amused myself with playing "guess the latin version of the chart-topping single" game and the extra "fuerte" double cocktail situation in front of men(no holding back for My vacation!) while also noticing I have a rather fetching thong tan. A decent effort got 2 days in  sol. So I must retire for my early start tomorrow. Hasta maƱana bitches.

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