Monday 26 August 2013

The (missing) bag lady

The final piece in my stressful travel puzzle was capped off by the inept staff at an airline I usually tout as one of the best to go to the USA with. My HUGE 12+ hour sleep getting into Brisbane and quick connection was marred by the disappearance of my bag, which I don't think was ever on the same plane as me, and also the fact that I almost missed the next flight trying to sort it out.

At one point I simply gave up trying to get a result and ran through customs, practically throwing my new feather earring with a seed attached to it at the customs guy (who insisted I had already missed my next flight, all that he knew), and trying to get on the transfer bus to the domestic airport. Of course the bastard driver didn't care how frazzled I was and wouldn't let me on without the Virgin free shuttle ticket, which I had no time to get cos my flight was already boarding. Over $30 in a cab later (between 2 fucking terminals, no less) and I was running to my gate with minutes to spare.

But it didn't end there.

Flustered and pissed off, I get to the front of the line and give over my boarding pass, only for a huge black cross to come up on the screen and the hostess to tell me I'd been moved to a later flight. Oh no, no, no I hadn't. I'm the friggin travel agent here, I didn't tell anyone to move my damn flight. "Oh but your flights were booked by Groups" - I don't care, I know between now and the 15 hours I'd been flying from LA to Brisbane, I had not put in a request to get it changed. But you can't board now, the flight is closed. But I have a fucking boarding pass. Did I mention I'm a travel agent? And so it went on. Eventually I managed to get myself on the flight, which was hardly full, and then it was straight to work, like the sick freak I am. But at least I had a sweet-ass tab.

It look 3 days to get my bag back. Use-fucking-less.

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