Sunday 18 August 2013

No rumba means more salsa

My day began earlier than usual in Trinidad, solely because of one loud-mouthed wanker and his friends being up all night and splashing about in the pool, yelling and laughing and singing so much I couldn't actually get it out of my head. I tossed and turned in the early hours of the day and eventually just got up to get breakfast, it was so impossible to sleep. By that stage they'd disappeared so I never had a chance to scream at them. When I told reception, they said sorry but I doubt they did much else - like maybe make sure a night security guard was on duty???

The first meal we had there, a buffet breakfast, wasn't actually that bad despite was A had told us. I stocked up as I knew we had another nature hike (oh joy) to look forward to. B, the Belgian, had arranged a scuba dive so went his separate way, while us 5 girls joined A in heading to the national park. Our guide didn't show (how unusual for Cuba...) so A begrudgingly filled in. Oh poor thing, you didn't get to sit in the air-conditioned bus and do nothing.

I could tell none of us was particularly keen to go for the walk, but we obliged, and it turned out to be alright. I was the only one to bring my swimmers, as they others had been burnt from wearing their swimmers under their clothes on the last walk and then just sweating balls when said watering hole was too dirty to swim in. But I was the lucky one - the place to swim this time was gorgeous. A small waterfall with clear, fresh water, it was the perfect refresher and I could've stayed in there all day. Alas, the others were over it and sick of watching me enjoy myself.

The group was keen for a final shop in Trinidad, as there were a number of art shops and trinkets around the place. I was on my last few pesos so couldn't really do much in the way of shopping, instead I used the time to look around the town and have a bit of 'me' time. So much so, that I actually lost where I was and ended up walking aimlessly around trying to find the meeting place for the bus. But I did get a moment to sit by the church, a little down about a dream I'd had about my ex, and straightened my head out a bit.

Originally, we were to hot-foot it to Havana to catch the Sunday rumba session in the art space we visited earlier in the tour but when our guide did the maths, he realised we wouldn't get there in time (why it took him until the day before we went to figure this out, I don't know) so we re-planned to leave later the next morning. We stayed in for dinner at the resort this time, which was actually not as bad as A had painted it - further proof he just wanted us to eat in that other restaurant.

There was another performance scheduled for that evening, but since the dance class I "missed" yesterday never actually happened - well, most of the scheduled activities seemed not to be happening - I wasn't holding my breath. But, as it happened, we grabbed a seat around the pool near the stage and core blimey, there was a performance! A dance troupe (Cuba loves a good dance group) did a few numbers and then there was some music to dance to - I was in the mood to shake my booty so I cut into the dancers and the people they'd pulled up, and started busting a move. Soon I had broken off with a couple of the guys and was dancing up a storm - fun times! Then the music stopped. The others had left by now so I went back to the hotel alone, and prayed the loser from the night before kept quiet this time.

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