Wednesday 13 July 2011

Making progress on life.

Times can be trying when you're apartment hunting. And job hunting. And purpose in life hunting. Sometimes there truly looks like just black at the end of that tunnel. But I'm making it sound like some depressing, Requiem For A Dream kinda setting. No, I'm not gonna start jabbing my arms and selling my gf off to the double dildo hourdes just yet.

I guess it feels like it's dragging on cos my househunting partner A is also in the same boat, and while he has just found himself a fulltime job, I have not been given the hours promised to me and am on the search again for another job or a replacement one, so I can actually afford to live and save for this bloody Caribbean flight.

Speaking of which, I am in talks with my mate's mate in the travel bizniz who is giving me a stupid discount on the flight and therefore staving off the need to sell my body (alot of body-selling in this blog...) for a little while, and hopefully meaning I won't leave Australia with a massive debt attached to my name. Now that will not be looked upon kindly by US immigration. As it is, I have had to be quite creative with my flight schedule to allow me inside the iron gates to at least have a trial period on the island. After that, I can apparently get residency easily and have no problems. It's all quite laidback there, I hear.

So in the time I've just taken to break from writing my blog, I have booked in several house viewings, paid for my flights to the US and gotten a job interview this afternoon. Woot! Talk about progress.

Alright, I better go. Blogging is not an extra activity I need to be doing at this point in time. Trying to make myself look respectable for job interviews and house viewings does take a fair few minutes.

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