Thursday 7 July 2011

Caribbean calling

After a somewhat trying period of failed Skype meetings that stretched not only weeks but continents (first in Argentina, then Bolivia and now Australia), I was beginning to wonder if my number was up with this Caribbean gig. But, FINALLY, thankfully, mercifully, I heard the phone bring-bringing yesterday and rushed in to see my potential future employer on the other end, trying to reach me.

I got talking with the Dutch woman A and her American husband R, momentarily seeing them on video before realising it was easiest to chat without, and before long we were in discussions about when the best time for me to come was. This is positive, I thought, as she asked if I was interested in taking the position. Of course I said yes, and then confirmed that no one else would be slotted into my place while I booked flights from this end. No, they said, you're the one we want, let's shake virtual hands. God, I love technology.

So there you have it. I am now officially working my large, South American-style ass off to get to the Caribbean in mid-October in time to service the multiple cruise ships that are due to land at the St Maarten during high season (and beyond).

My job is with the horses at their horseriding business. Owning over 50 horses in total, I doubt I will have much time to scratch aforementioned ass but that makes for a more interesting workplace I think. No one likes to twiddle one's thumbs now... My duties will include taking tourists out for rides along the beach, into the water if they please (not like the weather is ever too horrible for it), teaching kids the basic skills, looking after the horses, helping manage the horsey activities and training the horses. I like the training part. It means I can bond better with them.

The salary is pittance, really, and I will be relying heavily on tips from the rich American and European tourists swanning about on the resorts and cruiseliners. Which is fine, because I think they have the capacity to be quite generous.

I can rent a cheaper room from my bosses until I find another place, and I hope those same friends I make will own or have connections to get their hands on boats so we can go on day or weekend trips away to other islands. I absolutely must not get stuck going crazy on a 25km piece of land. It's all about variety. Making friends, doin deals, swapping free rides here for free rides there, you know... it's BIZNIZ time. And the men... well, let's just say I am hoping for some stereotypically amazing black bodies to catch my eye. Hey, a girl's gotta eat!

Bring on October...

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