Tuesday 15 December 2009

Bring on the new year!!

Hello my pretties!

With things getting all festive here in London and the halls being decked with all sorts of holly, many of the regular burlesque nights have been put on the shelf until the new year. Which is GREAT for me, as it gives me time to perfect my new jungle exotica routines for a competition at Volupte in January and hopefully some slots at the Hoodoo Voodoo night in Bethnal Green that same month.

So although it's nearing minus temps on the ground in this town, things are certainly heating up for me and my burlesque exploits!!

New Years Eve should also be an interesting night, I've been invited to perform at a big party in Chiswick that sounds super dooper fun! Just gotta sort out the final details and hopefully it will all come together like a delicious Christmas pudding :)

Keep smiling and enjoy your Christmases!!

S. deL xx

Monday 30 November 2009

Before the big audition...

I will make this brief, as I need to get my beauty sleep but realise I have been lacking on the ol' blog front of late. This is not because my life has had nothing to report, au contrare... There has been so much going on I've barely had time to breathe!

Some of the recent highlights included going for my first professional photo shoot in Soho to get some photos for my portfolio for my new agency, The Zebra Connection. They say they have several jobs they would like to submit me for so here's to hoping some of them pay off and I can start getting money in to recoup on the photo shoot :) By the way, if you'd like to see the photos just copy this link: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=138168&id=699976668&l=52a51ace1c

In other areas of my life, I have enjoyed meeting some new people on my weekend travels... including some people involved with Kensington Roof Gardens which resulted in some fine guest list action, reserved table, endless supply of alcohol and after-party in a swanky hotel room (cue mountains of room service). I believe the shenanigans even temped my lesbian friend to venture to 'the dark side' quicker than Beyonce can say one night only...

Tomorrow is a very exciting day for me, as I'm heading bright n early to Proud's newest offering, Proud Cabaret, an east London venue totally dedicated to burlesque and cabaret performances. It is a beautiful venue and I would be honoured to perform there, in my burlesque and cabaret hats, so here's to hoping I impress :)

That said, I must be off... lots to do and so little time. I hate that sleep is included on this To Do List as well. Could do without the hassle.

S. deL xx

Tuesday 17 November 2009

The imitable Holly Penfield... and me?!

Hello my darlings!

Well, didn't I have a fantastic stroke of luck last night!

After seeing the wonderful Holly Penfield, cabaret singer with a penchant for raunching up even the tamest of swing standards (cue My Baby Just Cares For Me) at the Bathhouse (Boom Boom Club) for the second time last Thursday, I was enchanted enough to come along to another of her performances, this time at the Green Carnation in Soho.

Having met Ms Penfield in person at the Bathhouse, I was keen to see more of her and learn how to better myself as a cabaret performer. And I also love any chance to see cabaret, so really it was a selfish notion at the core.

I invited along two old friends from school in Australia, Tim and Tia, and we were entertained by all manner of songs interrelated to weather. Cute! But the real surprise came when Holly called my bluff and actually dragged me onto the stage to sing with her. And here I was thinking her suggesting it was just part of the act!

Not knowing a helluva lot of standards word for word, I was at a loss and any of the random ones I suggested the band didn't know. So I settled for Fever, with Holly whispering each line into my ear. Fun times. I don't believe I totally stiffed it and I got a big applause at the end - most probably for Holly's contribution - but it was super fun and I was only a little bit nervous. I'd like to thank Mr Half Price Bellini for that!

Holly said afterwards that she thought I had a lot of "emotion" in my voice and was really impressed, so that can only be a good sign. She also said we should get together and make some "plans", which also lends itself to positive forward direction methinks. Fingers crossed something comes of it!

So that's it for this dame, let's hope the next time we meet I'm still sweating from another turn on the stage :)

Luv, S. deL x

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Sophie deLightful makes her debut!!

Hello my burlesque-loving beauties!

I realise I am a few days late in writing about my debut as a burlesque performer (and I am sorry), however after reading this I believe you will agree that it has been a hectic time for me and many others in my sordid world of adult entertainment.

Apologies aside, I wanted to tell you all about the super fun first night Sophie deLightful saw the light of day (excuse the pun). It was Thursday, November 5, and it took place at Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club in east London. The night, Tournament of Tease, is held monthly to offer new and emerging burlesque performers some advice on how to improve themselves.

I entered the last competition of the year and of course the line-up was the biggest yet. Not only was I competing against newlings, I was up against ladies who had entered this very competition several times before and even worse yet, others who had been performing for over a year! So I began drinking early.

I was halfway through the bill and having spent most of its first half in the pub down the road, I had yet to be intimidated by more than my competition’s extravagant props and custom-made nipple pasties. I knew, however, I was in well over my head so when my time came to perform, I threw in every ounce of energy I had and as the alcohol content in my blood rose, my nervous energy dissipated. Perfect symmetry.

The resulting routine was a decent first effort, but I am the first to admit it had holes. The judges, bless them, failed to address the two instances my 6-inch heels fell from under me (Jo King didn’t let that one slip though!) and gave me some great advice on how to improve my narrative (definitely my weak spot in this instance) and said they wanted to hear me sing more. Delight! That I shall do.

The night bore on and I witnessed the second half of a very impressive bill. Resigning myself early on to the fact that I would not be a winner or indeed runner-up, I took pleasure in just being with the friends that made the effort to get there. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

My spirits high, I woke (very late) the next day to an invitation by the lovely Sophia Rose to perform that night at the amazing club under London Bridge’s arches, Shunt. Now this club is very special to me – I have been several times and each time experienced something new and wonderful. Apparently it was used to shelter people during the war and to this day, has an alluring eeriness about it that you would find hard to replicate anywhere else in London.

So of course I said yes and packed my things for a second night of mischief. Even from my arrival at 8pm, there was a massive queue out the door. I knew it would be a good night. Once we’d readied ourselves, promoter Sadie (a former burlesque dancer) took us to our stage at the cosy Speak Easy room and told us the plan. I was to do my only routine (‘massaged’ a little to accentuate the positive and minimise the negative) and Sophia would do two of hers. Easily done.

Again, I wasn’t really nervous but more excited, and with a little improv thrown in, I think I performed a decent show. Wasn’t entirely sold on my routine but I soldiered on. In my opinion, most the people in the room had never even been within 200 metres of a burlesque show so anything remotely resembling the art of tease would be gratefully accepted.

Afterwards, in the dressing room, we befriended some of the other performers and after promises that “tonight was just a warm-up”, I was persuaded to come back for “the real thing” on Saturday night. My mind started ticking that very minute.

The next day, I made a strong resolve to do only improv routines and throw caution to the wind (as well as a few articles of clothing). After all, there was just one more week left of Shunt before the (evil) council closed the club forever and ever. I had to make the most of it.

With little more preparation than a few spins on my iPod and some loose mental direction as to when I should take off what and who I should slap around when, I donned my 1920s cabaret themed outfit to suit the Speak Easy vibe for that evening, and went to work on my Nasty Naughty Girl routine. Because my fellow performer poet, Jason, wasn’t around I had to choose an audience member to dance for but I don’t think he minded.

The routine went pretty well – without going into massive detail, it involved me (accidentally but on purpose) smashing a wine glass, drinking cava and spitting it out all over myself, and then pouring the rest of the bottle all over my bare chest. Well, almost bare, I had my beloved sequined star pasties covering my modesty. Ha! Modesty…

After this, Sadie decided to test my improv-abilities by getting me to dance to a version of I Put A Spell On You by the band that performed just before we hit the stage. I tailored my routine as such and it was a great experience to have a live singer behind me, working with my motions as I slowly seduced the hot, steamy Speak Easy.

And just to push me that extra little inch, Sadie then announced I was to do another improv, this time with Jason ready and rarin’ in the hot seat. Having told me I could do anything I wanted, including ripping his shirt and pouring drinks everywhere, I went a little mental and – encouraged by some shots of vodka and gin – ended up pulling out a clump of the poor boy’s hair, watching as the buttons off his shirt flew through the air, ripped open one leg of my own tights, crawled around on the ground (only adding to my collection of scratches and bruises on my knees) and pouring another bottle of cava all over me at the end.

Except it wasn’t the end this time. Having never performed a routine to Wolfmother’s Pleased To Meet You before, I had only my minimal mental preparation to lean on and that did not include an accurate assumption on the song’s length. With a little extra time, however, I managed to shimmy off the pasties from my wet and sticky body, and in a spot of quick-thinking, avoided any breaches of liquor licenses by taking out my hair and using the long dreds to cover myself. Which worked well until I started throwing my head about in a semi-deranged fashion. I do not know which side of my family I get this from.

Anyway, my demonic routine ended to rapturous applause and according to Sadie, was a hat-trick in achieving an audience queue out the door for me and Sophia. I would have no idea, I didn’t see one person’s face the whole time, what with my mind firmly positioned on Jason’s crutch. At this point I did still think he was gay. Luckily.

As a fittingly messy finale, possibly inspired by my antics, Sadie pushed bottles of cava into my and Sophia’s hands and told us to shoot, aim, fire at the unsuspecting audience at the conclusion of Jason’s poem (about masturbation or something). It was gold. I’m not sure, but I think I heard someone say, “Oh my gosh, this dress was £300!” Well honey, don’t wear it in the front row of a cabaret show.

So that was my looooooooooooong weekend! Hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as I enjoyed living it ☺

Much luv, S. deL xoxo

Sunday 1 November 2009

Grizzly Bear give me the spooks

Last night Miss deLightful traipsed over to the wonderfully environment of sound that is London's Barbican Hall, so chosen for the magnificent pairing of US indie folk outfit Grizzly Bear and the London Symphony Orchestra.
Having waited for this gig for a couple of months now, anticipation was at a high and as I settled into my seat in the sold-out venue, I used the opportunity to take in the set-up... dangling lightbulbs draped across the stage, decorating the invisible divide between orchestra and band. I couldn't wait til it all began!
Despite starting 20 mins late, the show was pretty bloody good but I'm not sure it was the orchestra that made it so enjoyable. While it did give the songs from the group's latest, and deservedly critically acclaimed album Veckatimest, some extra 'oomph', I was a little underwhelmed at how similar some of the songs sounded to that of their album counterparts.
The two tracks done without orchestral accompaniment also left me a little bewildered, especially considering one of them was the single Two Weeks. I would've thought this would've been the perfect opportunity adding an extra twist to one of the most popular songs on the album, not leave it as is. And they played not long ago in Koko, London, and given people the regular versions with full vigour. But hey, I'm sure they had their reasons.
But back to the point. The gig was thoroughly enjoyable, I imagine the orchestra only made it better but having not seen the band before (with or without orhestra) I can't be sure they wouldn't be amazing on their own lovely lonesomes.
One thing I can be sure of is if you haven't heard Veckatimest, you're a bloody idiot.

Much luv,

S. deL

Thursday 22 October 2009

Godfather night

S. deL here, saying hello to y'all!

Tonight I watched, albeit quite late in the piece, the first of the amazing Godfather trilogy. And may I say, although I got slightly distracted by Marsha's tantilising, Borough Markets inspired Italian treats, I did quite enjoy it. But, as is so often the case, I am kicking myself at the sheer lack of film development in my life. So many good films to see, so little time!!

Anyway, it's not a very interesting blog but thought i'd update everyone to save me time. And before I finish this bottle o' wine... better late than never, you know ;)

Wednesday 21 October 2009

My first blog! And the honour goes to... Burlesque in London town!

Why hello my precious blog-ites and welcome to the world according to Sophie deLightful!
Or you can just call me deLightful, whichever suits your mood.

Basically, I intend this to be my outlet on all things weird, wonderful and woefully average that goes on in my life. Without wanting to sound contrived, my friends often say they live vicariously through me, so I feel it is my duty to inform, entertain and occasionally offend should the circumstances require it. See, I truly am a sensitive being.

For those of you who don't know, I am soon to bring S. deL to life in my first burlesque dancing competition Nov. 5 and it actually means a lot to me. Wow, you may think, what fantastic dreams this woman has... she is actually excited about taking her clothes off in front of total strangers. Let's get one thing straight. BURLESQUE IS NOT STRIPPING. It is a totally unique mindset, an attitude, even a way of life for some. For me, it is about empowerment of the female form, about being sexy but not slutty, about what you want but can't have and there is nothing sexier than what the eye can't see. The mind is a much more interesting playground for the imagination to explore.

But anyway, I digress.

In light of my impending on-stage adventure, I have been trying to immerse myself in the local burlesque world and have come across some great nights - namely Boom Boom Club at the Bathhouse and tonight's treat, Burlesque Against Breast Cancer at Dirty Dicks.

Every time I go to one of these things it inspires, excites and intensifies my feelings towards this art form and I now have so many ideas for routines, I don't even know where to begin! I got my shoes in the mail today, 6" heels (I can hear my ankles screaming now) so it's all about training the ol' feet now.

So there you go. My first blog. I hope you found it more enjoyable than my wrists. Where's that darn jelly wrist rest when you need it eh.

Luv to you all,
S. deL