Friday 20 April 2012

Farewell Fair St Maarten

My last day in St Maarten. It was sad times for all. I woke without a hangover, not what I'd expected after my last night on the island but a welcome change. I had some more washing to do but the other lady I live with was occupying the bathroom, doing all the cleaning and her own washing at just the time I needed it. I thought, rather than standing around wasting my time, I'd head to Seaside and have one last ride as well as farewell all the staff.

I brought the bowl for my bosses, and a thank you card, and at the farm they also gave me a gift - a book on St Maarten, which was lovely. Now I can take my boy through all the different places and what I did there. The girls gave me a couple of trinkets, which was also sweet. It looked like they liked the bowl, so that's good.

I had to wait a short while for my horse to ride, as they'd had an unexpected amount of guests show up and were at capacity for that hour. J had to take out 12 people because the new girl had just started and she could only go at the end of the ride. Poor people, I would have gone on one last trail if I'd known it would make things easier! 

Chico was being used by a guest, so I waited by the beach hut, talking with N and getting the photos she put aside for me. I was keeping it all together well, detaching myself from the reality that was me leaving another place and all my new friends, until A called. He told me such sweet things and was so emotional about my return that I couldn't help it, I lost it. 

It was difficult for me, there was this strange mix of emotions I'd never had upon leaving a place. Usually I'm sad at saying goodbye to friends but excited about moving on - this time I was going home, I wasn't moving on so to speak. But home WAS moving on, and it would be a whole new chapter with my boy. Hopefully the start of a lifelong chapter. And for that I was excited, apprehensive, worried a little that he'd been waiting all this time for someone that might disappoint. Then again, he was equally as scared. At least we're in this together.

The boss let me take the new girl for an introductory ride, showing her the trails and having a little run. Chico, I found out, was missing a shoe so I didn't do too much with him. And they'd cleared a whole area of land for another lookout point, as well as extended the little pond to be a longer, bigger dam. I was only off for two days and already so many changes! I already felt on the outside.

After the ride, I said my final goodbyes and one of the Dutch instructors said she could take me home then come back and take me to the airport, since E had nanny duties again. I did speak to E on the phone, though, and she was upset she couldn't take me, promising to drop in to my house before I left. She never came in the end, me finding out later there was another problem with the kid. This is why I don't want kids yet!

I did a quick last-minute clean of the kitchen, putting all the crap I'd accrued (not much, really) aside for the other flatmates in case they wanted to take it after I left. The bedroom didn't get the same treatment unfortunately, as the Dutch lady came early and I had just enuf time to throw everything into my bags and load up her car. 

Said a final goodbye to A and her kids as they headed out to the older one's birthday party, and kissed my sweaty little room farewell. L never came back as he promised so I left his Bob Marley bio at the apartment... I guess he'll get it in Caribbean time. 

It was a quick trip to the airport and then I shuffled away with my two big bags, way more than I needed really and way more than I would have packed had I known this sojourn would only last four months. But what a four months! It is a beautiful part of the world, the culture is definitely different to what I am used to, and I made some nice friends which I won't forget in a hurry. I guess it's just not my time there. But here's to the next chapter - to infinity and beyond!

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