Tuesday 15 December 2009

Bring on the new year!!

Hello my pretties!

With things getting all festive here in London and the halls being decked with all sorts of holly, many of the regular burlesque nights have been put on the shelf until the new year. Which is GREAT for me, as it gives me time to perfect my new jungle exotica routines for a competition at Volupte in January and hopefully some slots at the Hoodoo Voodoo night in Bethnal Green that same month.

So although it's nearing minus temps on the ground in this town, things are certainly heating up for me and my burlesque exploits!!

New Years Eve should also be an interesting night, I've been invited to perform at a big party in Chiswick that sounds super dooper fun! Just gotta sort out the final details and hopefully it will all come together like a delicious Christmas pudding :)

Keep smiling and enjoy your Christmases!!

S. deL xx